Wilso wrote:Dropped back to normal from $1.75? I can only assume from a statement like that, that unlike seal's tongue-in-cheek post earlier, that many Americans obviously believe that they DO deserve cheap fuel. Because you've already got some of the cheapest on earth, and you're still complaining.
I filled my tank this morning for approx $3.50 a gallon (I say approx because we pay by the litre here). That's up from about $3.20 last Tuesday.
You are totally confused Wilso.
Let me clue you in to the FACTS, when the democrats had control of the Senate gas was about $1.20 a gallon here in peoria. The oil companies suddenly started raising gas prices 5 to 10 cents a day, for no reason anyone could think of.
When gas prices hit $2 a gallon the democrats in the Senate threatened to investigate the oil companies for price fixing and price gouging.
Then a miracle happened, gas prices started dropping, and fast, the price dropped back down to about $1.20 to $1.25 a gallon.
Then the republicans re-gained control of the senate and the gas prices started going back up again. Now gas is almost $2 a gallon and the republicans do nothing.
The $1.75 is the current price for regular unleaded, it is not the normal price.
Up until the republicans re-gained control of the senate the normal gas price here was $1.20 to $1.40, got it ?
When it went up the democrats stopped it, hnow it has gone up and the republicans do nothing. It should also be know that when gas was $1.20 a gallon the oil companies were still making a good profit. Now they are making record profits, they are gouging the people and the republicans in congress are letting them do it.
Here are a couple articles for you to read:
New Study Finds Cause of Midwest Gasoline Price Spikes;
Midwest Oil Refiners' Manipulation Of Inventories & Exports To Blame
Green Gas Reformulation, OPEC Had Little Role, Contrary To Refiner Claims
BTW, the above 2 articles were copied from the public-citizen.org website.