Reply Sun 29 Feb, 2004 05:06 pm
Derevon Did you come upon this spiritual awakening with the help of an evangelical minister or healer, or did it just come over you?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Feb, 2004 05:11 pm
c.i. That 50 percent is very baffling to me.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 29 Feb, 2004 05:30 pm
In what respects?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Feb, 2004 05:31 pm
Derevon wrote:

I understand that an expression like "knowing in one's heart" can, and will be seen as ridiculous by somebody who hasn't experienced this himself/herself. I can only answer for myself, but one of the reasons that I have no doubts about myself not being delusional is that this insight has a higher sense of reality in it. It's like comparing the wake state to a dream. It's totally unlike anything I had previously experienced. In a sense it's like waking up from life, realising one was only dreaming. I would like to call it a spiritual awakening. At that moment the belief is elevated into reality, and comes alive! To me God is now ultimate reality, and many things which I used to perceive as real, I now often perceive as hazy and insubstantial, or as something almost dreamlike.

I realise of course that you still will think I'm delusional, and I can live with that. But know that I'm not lying, for lying is contrary to everything I believe in. God is Truth itself!

Amen 2 that. It's also worth it to mention that we are only 3% conscious - the other 97% is obviously sub-conscious and we can see results of how powerful our subconscious is by looking at our own dreams. Why is it that our dreams 'seem' so real to the point that we actually "think" at the time that it is reality - of course when you wake up here you are in reality....... It's also interesting that the Bible tells us to "renew" our mind and follow Jesus's/'awakened'individual footsteps- we should really give thought to what this means in literal every day life. It makes sense in the heart but even if you just think about it logically you would probably come to the same conclusion. Derevon- keep up the good work and faith-you know in your heart and that is what is right Smile

Ephesians 6
10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Feb, 2004 05:32 pm
mesquite wrote:
Derevon Did you come upon this spiritual awakening with the help of an evangelical minister or healer, or did it just come over you?

No, there is no single human involved other than myself. It happened after I decided to really try to know God's will by reading about Jesus' life and teachings.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 29 Feb, 2004 05:36 pm
Here's a recent Gallup poll on GWBush's approval rating.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 29 Feb, 2004 05:50 pm
Derevon wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Apparently, since you have expressed what amount to scorn for my position of being skeptical, you feel that those of us who are agnostics or atheists should simply take your word for the fact that you are, in a sense, communicating with God -- that it is unreasonable for us to be skeptical about such a thing.

I don't scorn atheists/agnostics.

I didn't say you did!

I said that you have expressed what amounts to scorn for my position of being skeptical.[/b]

And I think you have.

Anyway, I'd be a fool if I believed anyone who hasn't experienced this himself/herself would take my word for this alone. My hope is that other people with similar experiences will share these as well, and that maybe one day someone will realise that this is not about desperate people, who in an effort to find meaning to their lives, manage to delude themselves about virtually anything.

I still think you folks are deluding yourselves to think that you KNOW THERE IS A GOD and that the GOD operates this way.

If there is a GOD -- and if that GOD is interested in revealing Itself -- it certainly could do so in an unambiguous, unmistakable way. Remember, if there is a God, the God made our sun; the 200 billion plus suns that make up our galaxy; and the hundreds of billions of other galaxies that we know of.

Making Itself known in an unambiguous, unmistakable would be a piece of cake.

For certain, there are people who want very much for there to be a GOD -- and for there to be "eternal life" for those who meet the GOD's criteria. And they are the ones who seem to "gain knowledge" that the GOD exists.

Seems like a perfect situation for delusion.

I think that is what it is.

For certain, it is something you ought to consider.

And you might also consider the fact that you might be afraid to consider the possibility that you are deluding yourself -- for fear of offending this GOD.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Feb, 2004 08:02 pm
I've lived both ways and I "choose" to think this way- It's my view and how I live my life & I've never been happier. I am glad you have your views - but no one knows for sure who is deluding themselves and who is onto the truth of things, maybe it's you, maybe it's me, maybe it's neither....I guess we will each find out when we die. In the meantime I'm happy we can share our own views with each other without calling people delusional, among other things....
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Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 1 Mar, 2004 07:14 am
mesquite wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
I'm not sure how others involved in this thread feel, but I cannot imagine many of them think it reasonable that God communicates information to you personally, Derevon -- and that you can be certain you are not simply deluding yourself about that being the case.

Well Frank, if god can communicate directly with GW, I don't know why not with Derevon. You are not insinuating that GW is delusional are you?

0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Mar, 2004 07:26 am
What if when we die we find out that the Hare Krishnas were right, and we go to hell just for eating meat and not hanging out at airports enough? Scary thought indeed...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Mar, 2004 08:57 am
Frank Apisa wrote:
Let me try this again -- and I will do it slowly; please open your mind and at least attempt to deal with what I am saying, not what you want me to be saying.

Not only do I not state (or "believe") that it is not possible to know if a God exists -- I have actually argued with a great deal of passion against people who assert that to be so.

Got that?

My guess is that I have discussed this issue in several dozens of threads -- and I am VERY adamant on the issue. Anyone who claims that "it is impossible to know if God exists" -- is making, in my opinion, an extremely wrong-headed assertion.

If there is a God -- for absolutely certain, that God, if It chose to do so, could make Its existence KNOWN unambiguously -- without any doubt whatsoever.

Got that?

I believe that Frank has summed up his philosophy quite well here. It is true that Frank is firm in this philosophy and i have never seen him waiver.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Mar, 2004 11:10 am
I've never seen his waiver either, but i'll take his word for it, and not tax him with my objections. I find it the height of amusement that in other threads which predate this one, those with religious scruples objected to agnostics and atheists showing up to put in their two cents worth in religious threads, given that this thread has attracted those of religious conviction.
0 Replies
Portal Star
Reply Mon 1 Mar, 2004 11:48 am
Investor4life wrote:
Derevon wrote:

I understand that an expression like "knowing in one's heart" can, and will be seen as ridiculous by somebody who hasn't experienced this himself/herself. I can only answer for myself, but one of the reasons that I have no doubts about myself not being delusional is that this insight has a higher sense of reality in it. It's like comparing the wake state to a dream. It's totally unlike anything I had previously experienced. In a sense it's like waking up from life, realising one was only dreaming. I would like to call it a spiritual awakening. At that moment the belief is elevated into reality, and comes alive! To me God is now ultimate reality, and many things which I used to perceive as real, I now often perceive as hazy and insubstantial, or as something almost dreamlike.

I realise of course that you still will think I'm delusional, and I can live with that. But know that I'm not lying, for lying is contrary to everything I believe in. God is Truth itself!

Amen 2 that. It's also worth it to mention that we are only 3% conscious - the other 97% is obviously sub-conscious and we can see results of how powerful our subconscious is by looking at our own dreams. Why is it that our dreams 'seem' so real to the point that we actually "think" at the time that it is reality - of course when you wake up here you are in reality....... It's also interesting that the Bible tells us to "renew" our mind and follow Jesus's/'awakened'individual footsteps- we should really give thought to what this means in literal every day life. It makes sense in the heart but even if you just think about it logically you would probably come to the same conclusion. Derevon- keep up the good work and faith-you know in your heart and that is what is right Smile

Ephesians 6
10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.


" It's also worth it to mention that we are only 3% conscious - the other 97% is obviously sub-conscious and we can see results of how powerful our subconscious is by looking at our own dreams. "

Usually people say 10%. Anyway, it is not true. We use most of our brain, and there are no parts that remain "unused." You wouldn't drink tea while taking a shower, playing piano, and speaking Hebrew, but you don't have stuff lying around that you don't use. It takes a lot of energy to have a big brain and maintain it, your body doesn't just waste that stuff. Look at -any- scientific source on this subject (preferably neuroscience) and you will see that it is a myth.
0 Replies
Portal Star
Reply Mon 1 Mar, 2004 11:49 am
Derevon wrote:
mesquite wrote:
Derevon Did you come upon this spiritual awakening with the help of an evangelical minister or healer, or did it just come over you?

No, there is no single human involved other than myself. It happened after I decided to really try to know God's will by reading about Jesus' life and teachings.

Yeah, but why jesus? What made you pick Jesus over Buddhism, Judaism, Hare krishnas, Scientology, An Islamic faith, Polynesian g-ds, or some revival faith like Wicca or peaganism?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Mar, 2004 12:15 pm
The greatest value of Frank's agnosticism is that we will never find him or any agnostic killing theists and atheists for ideological reasons. Whereas, in principle at least, theists and activist-atheists MAY be so capable. My only reservation is that, since, as Frank asserts, there is no way of knowing whether there is or is not a God--that either conclusion is mere guesswork--he has to agree that the existence of a god is JUST AS LIKELY AS the non-existence of a god. I find the former view to be meaningless and the latter (a form of passive-atheism) to be a simple denial of that meaningless claim.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Mar, 2004 12:32 pm
Re: truth
JLNobody wrote:
The greatest value of Frank's agnosticism is that we will never find him or any agnostic killing theists and atheists for ideological reasons.

I agree. I am sure that Frank kills theists purely for the sport of it.
0 Replies
Portal Star
Reply Mon 1 Mar, 2004 12:33 pm
Re: truth
JLNobody wrote:
The greatest value of Frank's agnosticism is that we will never find him or any agnostic killing theists and atheists for ideological reasons. Whereas, in principle at least, theists and activist-atheists MAY be so capable. My only reservation is that, since, as Frank asserts, there is no way of knowing whether there is or is not a God--that either conclusion is mere guesswork--he has to agree that the existence of a god is JUST AS LIKELY AS the non-existence of a god. I find the former view to be meaningless and the latter (a form of passive-atheism) to be a simple denial of that meaningless claim.

I think that you're making the assumption that a diety is the same as G-d. What is G-d? How can you logically prove or disprove somthing you can't even pin a consistent definition down on? It seems to loosely imply an actor as the creator of the universe. We don't know how the universe was created, if there was a beginning/end, compression/decompression, etc. It is not impossible that there is somthing we are a bigger part of (like an atom in a cell in a human body in the world in the galaxy, and so on.) Maybe things get infentesimally larger in categories of functioning together, or infintesimally smaller. Maybe there was some actor (a cloud of sentient gas, whatever, we don't know) that set our world in motion. We don't know, we can't know. Unlike the general concept of g-d, we can easily test whether or not dieties exist as described. We can ask questions like, did this being influence the earth in the way described? Does this being continue to influence the earth in the way described?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Mar, 2004 12:52 pm
Investor4Life wrote
It's also worth it to mention that we are only 3% conscious - the other 97% is obviously sub-conscious and we can see results of how powerful our subconscious is by looking at our own dreams.

and PortalStar replied
Usually people say 10%. Anyway, it is not true. We use most of our brain, and there are no parts that remain "unused."

I think there is a misunderstanding here: Investor4Life said that 97% of our mental activity is subconscious, and PortalStar objected referring to claims that only 10% of brain capacity is used. These two are completely different assertions and hardly contrast each other.

Level of subconscious activity is great indeed, and if you look into modern neuroscientific work you will see that some even indicate that 'consciousness' is just 'on a ride along'.

As for how much brain is actually put to (good) use:
Depends on how you define 'used'. Biologically you may be using your brain sparingly, or you may assert that cells are 'active' or 'inactive' for such and such % of the time.

But here is another, much simpler, question: How much of your computer's CPU power is put to 'good use' anyway? 10%? 50% ? 'Task manager CPU usage' %? 100% 0.001 %?
If you think you know the answer you are either a computer prodigy working on an old 286 CPU and have written the operating system and the browser and all other software yourself, or you don't have an idea.
I know of some programs that can be optimized 10000-fold.
0 Replies
Portal Star
Reply Mon 1 Mar, 2004 01:14 pm
A computer is different than a human brain in that it does not manage, trim, and expand itself.

The human brain learns (grows where it is needed) and trims unimportant information (forgetting.) It also adjusts to differences in food and nutrition - it is literally difficult to be intelligent if you are malnourished. The brain is a continual process. If by "subconcious" means we are not aware of it's functioning (as in breathing, heartbeat, etc.) then yes. I would have no use for having a stream of knowledge over all of it's government processes over my body. But it is not out of use, and I don't think I would call those processes subconcious the way Kayle did in reference to dreams - because dreams involve a concious memory in a subconcious situation.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Mar, 2004 01:21 pm
Setanta wrote:
I find it the height of amusement that in other threads which predate this one, those with religious scruples objected to agnostics and atheists showing up to put in their two cents worth in religious threads, given that this thread has attracted those of religious conviction.

I wonder why this thread is filled with thiests & christians explaining themselves also. Reverse intrusion.
0 Replies

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