I'll flesh things out a bit more:
- Obama has put a lot of resources into the ground game. By many metrics (cites on request), his ground game is stronger than Romney's.
- Sandy is cutting into Romney's catch-up time, while Obama is busy being president.
- Sandy is also one of those focusing events -- "Oh, right, government can be useful. Do we really want FEMA abolished? Hmm."
- Polls are indicating steady leads for Obama. Not huge, but steady.
- Buckeyes beat Penn State.
- Buckeyes are very likely to beat the Illini on Saturday (they might not though).
- The relevance of the above two points is based on Actual Science, I swear. (Mentioned somewhere already, cite on request.)
- Economy is continuing to do a little better and a little better. Not better enough to deliver the election in a pretty bow to Obama, but not bad enough to deliver it to Romney.
- There has been some pushback against Romney's baldfaced lies, for example the thing about Jeep moving manufacturing to China. When it's just the usual suspects (Factcheck.org, Politifact, etc.), people tend to tune it out. ("They all lie, it's a wash.") When Chrysler has to put out a statement saying "Romney lied," that has a bit more impact.