@cicerone imposter,
How can you in good conscious even talk about environmental problems? You are part of the problem!!!
You bragged about your gasoline usage like it was a gnat. Hypocritical...
Enbridge didn't build those pipelines, instead bought old lines from american companies. By rights, every inch of those pipes should have been inspected, before the sale, never mind after the purchase.
It's old pipes, old technology that has failed. New pipelines are far better than the old stuff and way more regulated. It's the old pipes you should be scared of.
New lines should be build very far from water or at the very least try and limit contact as much as possible.
Tankers filled with oil can't even compare to a pipeline that will carry millions of litres a day, a pipeline filled not only with canadian bitumen, but american too. All of this oil will be refined by american companies, employing american workers. If these refineries choose to sell the excess to the world market, why would you have a problem with it? It's jobs and trade.