I think both of the Clintons have been remarkably strong in their support of the Obama administration. There is no argument about the job Hillary has done at Secretary of State and Bill has worked hard mending fences between what could have been a badly fractured
winning Party.
Some people (there's a new book out about Obama's Cabinet) have tried to find anything to talk about which doesn't reflect lockstep within the Democratic Party. (The book's criticism is that the Cabinet's relationship with Obama hasn't been fractious
enough.) meh.
Democrats, even during the times when we (I am a Democrat) have controlled both Houses of Congress and the Presidency, have never been a monolithic organization. We have had monolithic factions or nearly so. The closest we ever came was the Dixiecrats opposition to Civil Rights and the Voting Rights Bills. You may have noticed that, after LBJ pushed both of those bills through into law, all the Dixiecrats became rock-ribbed Republicans. Good Riddance.
Barry Goldwater used to say the Eleventh Commandment was "Never speak ill of any Republican."
You can't BE a Democrat unless you disagree with between 1/4 and a 1/3 of what we do. That's why I think it's silly when people ask "How can you support Obama if he continues this drone program or continues to deport illegal aliens at a high rate?" I ask them "What am I supposed to do? Sit on my hands and lets those bastards in the GOP take power??"
Joe(Let's work on making the country better, step one, get and hold on to power.)Nation