@Finn dAbuzz,
*yankees and predominately black projects and low-economic areas. The eastern region, not just NC but also into VA, near the Dismal Swamp consists of some of the poorest or undeveloped counties. Northampton County in NC is a prime example. It is predominately black today despite a history which was rich in white farmers and many rural towns almost all white such as Seaboard. another great example of old towns having turned into places with poor education and high crime--coincidentally turned from white farming towns to predominately black communities--would include Scotland Neck, Enfield, and Weldon, NC. And while it's true whites and other ethnicities have just as much a role in welfare and what-not, I think we can all agree on the fact that those who truly need assistance to get through hard times and back on their feet seldom get it while those who continue to have babies after babies, etc. with no job and little or no financial support of their own receive, receive, receive. And thus, we have not just another new generation thriving off of others, but an entire cultural shift which says it's okay to take assistance, to continue taking assistance, and that it's possible to live and survive without employment nor intentions of employment.
The largest state penitentiary in VA is less than 30 minutes away from this area which straddles the border. While according to the Commonwealth of Virginia approxately 70% of prisoners are black, the staffing from personal experience at this prison in particular--one of the largest in the entire southeastern coastal states--consists of predominately female employees. And of all employees, predominately black with slightly more diversity as rank increases (particularly around Major, Lieutenant Colonel, or Warden/Assistant Warden levels). It is the exact opposite of the statewide statistics released at varying intervals over the last 5 years which found approximately 2/3 of State security forces in the prisons, jails, and detention centers were male and also white, with an average age between approximately 34-42. Just for interest, the average lifespan for these officers is 53 (second most stressful occupation with police officer ahead of it).
I mention all this as a ramble and a rant perhaps, throwin out information I've studies and picked up from the state in various classes, brochures, flyers, and videos because I find it all very interesting. I'm not racist by no means--however, it is a simple truth that the poverty and welfare levels are high in this region. What the ratio and percentages are I don't know, but it is predominately black and the cultural shift is from one where people were too proud to ask or accept help from others and would go without, living a simple life, to one of "Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!" and take, take, take.
It's perpetuated by the larger farmers and business such as Farm Bureau Insurance who propagate and support the hiring of immigrants (and let's real--if they were legal immigrants they would be paying taxes and have minimum wages instated along with the labor laws for their own protection). Farmers who refuse to pay a few dollars more, increasing overhead, to citizens would need work; and, an insurance company which has existed for decades if not centuries and has held business with nearly every family in the region for generations.
I have insurance with Farm Bureau. They're the best coverage for the best and fair price around. Geico? Not really a good option and under insures in NC. It won't be there if you ever truly need it. So then, I support these very issues i find unsettling by conducting business with said company? Well, we are all also wearing clothing and eating foods grown from the crops of these farmers who support said business practices as well. So really...not much difference and for the insurance I have it's the best option. Times are tight...and I can't afford much insurance, but I know I'm covered even if I don't agree with their practices. I'll be voting at the next company meeting!