Mon 28 May, 2012 05:55 am
"the $1.3-trillion" read as "the one point three trillion dollar" or just "the one point three trillion"?
Impossible arithmetic
As Congress tries to tackle the $1.3-trillion US deficit by cutting the $660-billion discretionary budget, scientists must unite with non-traditional allies to ensure that research doesn’t suffer.
"the one point three trillion dollar"
The currency sign indicates that the amount, when read out, is followed by the name of the currency.
one dollar
one hundred dollars
one million dollars
However when discussing values we use the singular form of the currency name and often a hyphen or two
a $5 sandwich
a five dollar sandwich
a $1000 car
a thousand dollar car
large values are often written with the words million, billion, trillion, etc to avoid a row of unsightly (and hard to instantly evaluate) zeroes:
a $5 trillion dollar deficit
a five trillion dollar deficit