Just checked in after the weekend, and was happy to see the good news! <sigh of relief> Just to be sure, have your fundraising successes very painstaikingly documented just in case they're slow to come clear about their budgets and fail to account for them.
Also, I have combed through my old bookmarks to see if I find something which might help you avoid such unpleasant surprises on your next volunteering project. It wasn't much -- I'm not nearly as involved as you are -- but The McKinsey quarterly has a section on managing non-profits which you might find helpful. As everything emanating from McKinsey, it has more consultant-speak in it than necessary, and it is tilted toward large organizations, but many points should be adaptable to your interests anyway. You can find their non-profits page (free registration required)
Surfing from there, I landed at a site called
"Teach for America", an organization you may (or may not) be interested in volunteering for. The main reason I mention it, though, is that
they link to a site called
Charity Navigator, a nonprofit for tracking and certifying the fiscal sanity of nonprofits. You may find this useful for making sure that the next organization you join has its act together moneywise, and for sanitizing your own nonprofit, should you ever decide to start up one.
I didn't look very deeply into those links, so take them as is.
Good luck for the Wednesday meeting!
-- Thomas