I never had chicken pox. I read somewhere that chicken pox is a stunted version of some real killer pox in olden times, so perhaps my immunity comes from survivors with a natural immunity back during the Middle Ages. Sometimes I do feel hundreds of years old!
Shingles can be awful.
In Tulsa, our over-eighty year neighbor, Oma, came down with a case that very nearly killed her. It wasn't the shingles per se, it was that she could not rest.
She didn't sleep for days on end, except for naps which only lasted minutes, and the only way she got those naps was to walk up and down our street until she has reached near exhaustion.
I found her one night, more like three in the morning, pacing back and forth in front of her little house, crying her eyes out.
We did a lot of walking together over the next two weeks.
I made her phone me or my then-wife whenever she was going to walk, no matter what time.
She knocked on our door on a Sunday morning.
"Hello," she said, "It's gone. It's just gone."
"Hallelujah!" I said.
(Yes. I really did say Hallelujah.)
"I laid down last night about eight 0'clock and I just woke up now."
It was near to ten am.
"Well," I said, "How do you feel?"
"I feel like taking a walk, just for the pleasure of it."
We walked.
All the way over to Cherry Street, just for the pleasure of it.
Joe(get the shot)Nation
Pharmacy's in NYC have always been selling flu shots so this shingles vaccine which I believe must be pretty new given its new TV ad campaign sounds like is a natural step for the pharmacy.
If my doctor at the VA hospital says I should get it then I will but until then I'll pass.
Linkat wrote:
Just women? I had heard this guy at work here had it (prior to me working here) and he came to work with it - wearing just a t-shirt because of the itch and pain.
The single ad campaign on TV has a male 'survivor' of the illness so men can get it.
@Joe Nation,
ahhhh, what a sweetheart you two are...
If you don't believe men can get it, just ask me.
So I am not crazy - this is new to get shots besides flu from a pharmacy...
Massachusetts residents can now get more than just flu shots at the neighborhood pharmacy.
A new policy adopted by state health regulators gives pharmacists the authority to administer 10 additional adult vaccines. They are for measles, mumps, and rubella; tetanus, diptheria, and whooping cough; shingles; pneumonia; hepatitis A and B; polio; HPV; chickenpox; and meningitis
tsarstepan wrote:
Pharmacy's in NYC have always been selling flu shots so this shingles vaccine which I believe must be pretty new given its new TV ad campaign sounds like is a natural step for the pharmacy.
If my doctor at the VA hospital says I should get it then I will but until then I'll pass.
Update. I have shingles this week.
Dog damn it. And I'm shy of 50 by a month ... so the vaccine was so close but still too far away.
I had a moderate case of shingles about 3 years ago, it was painful (I had not gotten the shot). Since then I learned you can get shingles a second time, I'm calling my pharmacy on Monday. Shingles suck.
I recently completed the two shot series at the VA. Otherwise, it would have been fairly pricey.
And Yes, it hurts. If someone says it 'itches' that's a big clue they've never had it.
The missus got shingles two years ago, is still suffering from it. Our family doctor said that a vaccination would not only prevent a new infection but could also reduce the long-term consequences.
Which is what happened after the vaccination.
Years ago, both my husband and I contracted shingles within a day of each other, even though it it not said to be communicable.
Every time that I go to my pharmacy, I ask for a shot, and the reply is, "We don't have it now, but we are getting it."
I had chicken pox as a child. About 25 years ago, I got a case of shingles. It was very unpleasant and downright painful. If Ithink back at it, there was acupuncture treatment in addition to medication (prednisone). It affected my back and ribcage muscles with stabbing pains. I recall a few weeks made shorter by meds with no side affects.
In a few weeks, I’ll get the new shingles shot from the VA with a repeat shot in around 6 months. Never want to get that again. I know a woman in her 70s who got it really badly with permanent damage that affected her speaking.
tsarstepan wrote:I have shingles this week.
Oh wow! I hope you get over it quickly.
had a bad reaction last week, a day after receiving the second Shingrix vaccine.
started feeling nauseous and weak, got up from my desk to go back to bed,
passed out along the way, hit my head on the wall on the way down, needed stitches.
the EMT said he's seen other cases similar to mine.
so please be aware of this possibility if you plan to get the vaccine...
@Region Philbis,
I had no reaction to my shots, but I didn't hear about any possible ones, either.
I've been lucky, I only had very minor discomfort from my Covid shots, too.
@bobsal u1553115,
if i knew then what i know now, i'd prolly take my chances and not bother getting the shingles vax at all...
I'm not sure what all I had as a kid. I remember having something and then something else. At my age not going to get any more shots. If I were going to get shingles I likely would have already.
@Region Philbis,
If I had known what happened to you, I might have not gotten one.
@Region Philbis,
Region Philbis wrote:if i knew then what i know now, i'd prolly take my chances and not bother getting the shingles vax at all...
Bad vaccine reactions suck, but from what I hear of shingles, you'd probably suffer a lot worse if you got the disease.
I didn't hesitate to get my shingles shots.
I'm a bit on the aggressive side when it comes to vaccinations. I paid a pharmacist to give me a covert Pneumovax 23 shot when I was in my 20s just because I wanted to be protected earlier than age 65.
For the past 10 years or so I've trying to pay someone to give me a second covert Pneumovax 23 shot, so when I get one after 65 it will actually be by third shot. So far I haven't found anyone willing to do it. I keep asking various doctors and pharmacies though.