This is, I think, the St. Francis lobby, on the older side facing the square. Not as intimidating as it looks in this picture. Lemme tell you, great bathrooms. I stayed there once, in a tiny room next to the elevator (clank!!) .. and another time when I was nineteen with a couple of girlfriends. We were all rather innocent of experience and wore our most sophisticated clothes, including high heels. This might have been the single few days that killed my feet for heels eternally. I bought a raincoat on that trip and my mother made me ship it back. (rumbling even now....).
I lost the link when I edited clank. Back in a minute.
Not the same link, even more over-the-top. But, you get the idea.
Back around 2000, I had a car breakdown on the way to LA and had to stay the weekend in SF. I picked a hotel a friend had mentioned (he had then an elevator company, and the hotel was a few years earlier one of those renovated flophouses turned boutique (or something like that). That was the Galleria Plaza Hotel. So I took a taxi there (it was night and I am night blind), and had a fine enforced vacation for the next two days. The next morning I wandered about and found my old friend the St. Francis, and that is when I had the strange breakfast in the coffee shop with me and the waiter talking, plus I had the Sunday papers....
There is a whole huge wing of more modern content. I insist, my breakfast was under $10.00.