Uh Oh. Thanks Walter. I'm getting worried now.
Is there a reason to not put the pictures in the Gallery? Other people are putting pictures there.
Brazen hussie that I am.....that was a lovely post, so sensitive and articulate. What would we do without your kind, gentle spirit and way with words?
However, something has to be done about your lack of a sense of humor.
As dys has opined, we are a bunch of digital ignoramus, and wouldn't know how to post pictures on the A2K Gallery.
dyslexia wrote:ok sooner or later the truth will out,
Osso is an artsy-fartsy type with taste, I hate that.
Blatham couldn't put 3 words together to form a simple sentence.
C.I. is so damn polite and nice to everyone, he makes me barf.
PDid is from Houston Texas and LIKES IT!!!!
JJorge is a New England Liberal who actually listens to more than one side of an issue, gag me with a spoon.
Mrs PDid is an obsessive-compulsive anal-retentive airport junkie going Jones on scheduled departure-arrival times.
Lola is a brazen hussie.
Diane thinks the Porsche has only one cruise-control speed (200 k.p.h.)
Mrs C.I. (not unlike Dys) is the shy quite type with many redeeming features out of context with these hogs at the trough of gluttony.
there are no pics to post as no one had the brains to bring film and their analog minds fail to comprehend digital.
I had a pretty good time in spite of the company.

What can I say... dys has our number. That cowboy's one smart dude!
( hmmm... I guess that makes him a dude cowboy!)
LOL. I love your new signature. It's hilarious.

this is just food! I want the dessert menu NOW
Lola wrote:jjorge,
LOL. I love your new signature. It's hilarious.
In my old house I had pretty extensive flower beds etc including -on the shady side of the house- a lot of ferns, all of one type that I had transplanted from a relative's yard. (don't ask me what kind they were)
Anyway, whenever I had someone over who was seeing my yard for the first time, I would wait until we approached the ferns and then tell them with a straight face that I believed in talking to my plants.
Then while they were nodding and voicing agreement (usually) I would begin:
"Ferns, Romans and countrymen, lend me your ears..."
Hey, who let Margo in here??
Yeah, I thought there was a law.
It still amazes me that a2kers are even better in person than online!! Each time a group gets together, the good times roll and we all enjoy each other with a kind of delight that stems from our honesty online--that is what makes these gatherings so incredible. Each one of us has posted with an honesty that is recognizable when we meet in person.
C.i., you really are a sweet man and you have our greatest thanks for staying with the SF gathering for over a year. C.i.'s wife is one of those quiet, elegant women, who is down to earth and witty and fun to be with in any situation. The two of them are unbeatable.
Ossobuco, as many of you know already, is fun, knowledgeable-with a dry wit--ready for anything and has an amazing capacity to make outings interesting for everyone, regardless of their level of knowledge or level of interest. The galleries we went to were filled with something for everyone and we could spend as much time as we liked while others sauntered along to something else. Her food and wine choices were on spot, making me wish I had just said 'ditto' to what she ordered. The one time I did, at Solea, I wasn't at all disappointed (except for the wine, which was for a more sophisticated palate than mine). I'd go anywhere with Jo, knowing that we would have a good time.
The PDiddies were the only couple except for c.i. and his wife, that I had not met before. PDid is not as intimidating as he can be on a2k political threads--in fact, he is a real softy, especially when it comes to Mrs PDiddie, who is a gorgeous brunette with a fine mind of her own and a good sense of adventure. They are obviously in love and it is a joy to see them together. I hope your trip to see Muir Woods and the wine country was as excellent as it sounded.
Bernie, when he was able to put three sentences together, was as funny and totally delightful as usual. The kind of person any a2ker would love to know. Ask him about his suspenders sometime...
Lola, despite what Dys says, well, umm, actually, oh what the heck, she is a brazen hussy! Can't get more fun than that!! When Dys says, "Giggling not allowed," she starts giggling and it becomes contagious. Heee, he, he. Oh, and her wardrobe? Fabulous!!
Now for jjorge...if only I were single and younger! What a lovely man! I'd met him briefly in Boston, but I had to leave too early to really get to visit. He has the soul of a poet, naturally, but he also has a sense of fun and warmth and adventure that will always make him a perfect traveling companion. All you single women, jjorge is a keeper!!
Dys, not being the gentleman I had always thought, has let my nasty little secret be known (including that unflattering picture). Yes, it is true, I check out the dessert menu before looking at the rest of the menu. That old saying, "Eat dessert first," is something I live by. So there! Dys won't even do the ordering so that I don't have to feel so guilty. Shouldn't any man order dessert so that his partner can eat it all, saving a little for him? Thereby she doesn't have to feel guilty for ordering dessert. Doesn't that make perfect sense to all you women????? Hmpf!!
Oh well, the cowboy has many other attractions that make his obtuseness and obscurity--as he has been called on a2k--well worth having to put up with his (very) few less than gentlemanly characteristics. In fact, being a gentleman all the time is really quite boring...
Uh oh, I'm gonna have to pick up on some of dys' "ungentlemanly characteristic." First question: What the heck is that? <smiles>
c.i., LOL. BTW, I love the way you look at Lucy.
Ah, Diane, thank you and all here for your company in my life and vice versa. (hmmm, vice?)
On the wine, you would have liked it later, I think, it needed a bit of breathing. (Visualize gasping wine glasses arow down the table..)
I've decided to compile my blitheridoo into one long post on this thread, so will start a new post and add hither and yon to it. I am as nonsuccinct as Dys is thinking man's spare.
He has edited naturally before he talks. I edit years later.
Hey, both spare and blitheridoo make for interesting reading. Please blither along at will--we will all be richer for it.
giggle giggle giggle giggle giggle