Mame wrote:
Related questions:
1. Do you wash your towel after you dry off? I will reuse mine another time or two, after all, I'm clean, aren't I?
2. Do you flush your toilet after peeing in it? If I'm alone, I'll wait for a few times and then flush.
3. How often do you wash your sheets? My niece and her daughter slept over one Friday and they were back for a sleep-over the next Friday. I didn't wash the sheets. Should I be shot?
These are questions the ensuring minds want to know.
Ah, now the real truths come out.
No, I don't wash towels after one use from the shower. I take at least 2 showers a day, so I'm extra clean.
I don't wash my hair every time, unless I've been to the pool, so it does end up being every day sometimes.
I shower in the morning, and I shower when I get back from the pool, or else the chlorine will itch. It isn't a heavy chlorinated pool, it's spring water with about half chlorine.
I'll admint I don't flush each time if it's only pee. Especially when I get up in the middle of the night, which is my habit.
Sheets? Every week, or every other.
PS, I don't make my bed. At best I half ass (well, maybe 3/4 ass) pull up the sheets and blankets so it looks orderly, but no way do I do the whole bed making schmear, unless I'm just putting fresh sheets on the bed.
Screw making making beds. It's one of the perks of being an adult.
Oh, a quirk of mine...I don't mind putting changing the sheets, but I hate the process involved putting the pillow cases on. I do it, but I hate it. Weird.