Hey folks help me out here...whenever I use spell checker my copy doesn't change. Does that mean it's not working?..or that I'm a bloody genius?
39/50- I thought that I would do better!
Well, being as I am quite familiar with this feature here at the ol a2k, I'll venture in and explain how it works. Firstly, if a word is wrong and the spellchecker identifies it as gives you an option/s, you must choose the replacement and hit correct, if not, the switch will not take place. On many occasions...because I have a atrocious spelling at the best of times, the spellchecker will identity a misspelled but give no option. This is when I drag out my well used oxford, leaf through the pages for the appropriate word, then I must type in the correction and once again hit correct button in order for my mistake to be fixed. Hope this helps.
I got them all! Unbeelevable!
Damn Gustav, I'm impressed
I am an atrocious speller, which leaves me with two options, live with it, or hide under my desk. Mostly I live with it (and use the spell checker if it is available) but that space under my desk is really comfortable.
Gosh Phoenix you have always been my Guru. Really.