Fri 13 Feb, 2004 09:00 pm
Is it just me, or is there some irrefutable law that states that every time you try to spell a word that you really want to spell correct at a certain time, you can't?
For example: I always write "grammer" when I'm writing about my english capabilities and I always write "idot" when I'm harassing someone.
What is wrong with me?
excuse me, that would be brain "dammage", I believe.
You are just suffering from
typosis. A common disease, nothing to worry about!
Re: Spelling words wrong
Thank god for spell checker.
Look mom, my 100th post
I do love them spell checkers.
I think it a variant of Murphy's Law.
Yep - it is the same sub-species which rules photocopiers - you know, the likelihood of the smegger working is in inverse geometrical relationship with the extent to which you are desperate to get the copying done...
I have certain words I always get wrong. It doesn't matter how many times I've studied the rules, or looked them up in the dictionary.
I don't know why either, but if someone could give some tips, I'd be grateful.
dlowan: For me it's not so much working as
a.) no paper!
b.) paper jam and even after you remove the jam there's still SOMETHING stuck inside
c.) toner runs out and there's no more left
d.) toner runs out and there is more toner, but you've managed to take that strip of tape off before you should have (or holding the toner cartridge incorrectly) and you get toner dust ALL over the place. Oh yeah, I learned when that happened.
Ceili: Try a word association. Take grammar for instance. I always remember the correct spelling because it's "gramma" with an r. Or the i before e except after c thing. That works a lot of the time. Just something that works for you. Know what I mean?
I always screw up the i before e thing.
For some reason, everyone else but me can get the damn copying machine to work. If it were alive, I would definitely strangle it to death.
ok, its time for a
spelling test.
please close all books now... and begin!
I got 45 out of 50 right. How refreshing that it doesn't give you a grade!
teach only got 34/50
uhh, class --
do as i say, not as i do...
I got 43/50. Thought I would do better than that.
Remember, though, part of knowing how to spell is knowing when to consult the dixionery.
40 but that still does not help my typing of help spell check catch the typos that are words not used correctly or that just pass like int he, ont he, and not when I mean no.