having a pint - perhaps as a chaser after having something just a little stronger - should be good for the soul at any time! cheers, c.i.! we are booked to fly to germany on march 19 and unless flights are cancelled we'll be flying and visit the fair city of hamburg and the new (and old) capital of germany. hbg
NH, Or the other way around. We can also count on Al Qaeda in the picture. Actually, London will not be too safe either!

My own view is that it's unlikely the same kind of lightening will strike twice (aircraft based attacks).
The real effect of the terrorists has been to make us fearful of their activities. I take the attitude that flying is still a relatively low-risk activity...London will be taking its usual attitude towards things, letting life proceed as usual. I hope I'm right!
Have a good weekend, all. KP
ci, good to know you have made your reservations (hey there's a joke in there somewhere) I look forward to having a drink and a chat with you.
Kitchenpete is right, we shouldn't be put off by scaremongering publicity and vague threats.
Don't forget, the peace march in London went off totally without incident. Over a million people demonstrated, of ordinary Brits. Therefore, no-one will set a bomb off in London, it would be a complete own-goal.
If the website goes down again, I suspect Gautam and Walter can contact most of us direct; but we still have no agreed venue as far as I know.
I'm off to the pub tonight. I hope you all have a very nice weekend.
I've made my reservations as well: a family room in a B&B.
Prost, McTag! ("Wrong" day, isn't it?)
McTag, No worries my friend. I fear driving from home to the airport more than I do traveling to London (or most destinations in this world). Looking forward to sharing a pint or two with all the participants of this Gathering. I've also made reservations to see Bombay Dreams at the Vic Apollo theater near Victoria Station on March 19, evening show. Trying to make reservations for We Will Rock You for the 21st. c.i.
Hey I just noticed- we were posting on the "History Lessons About Germany" thread, posts which should have been on the "A2K London Meet" thread.
Was that my fault? No harm done, I don't suppose.
Yes Walter, it's not the usual pub night for me, but my dear wife arranged for us to go to the cinema last night, remember.
Things have been all mixed up this week, but I don't want to bore you all here with my domestic trivia.