Do you think Zimmerman will be convicted of murder?

Reply Sun 24 Jun, 2012 06:15 am
The fuckers know they have zero shot at convicting Zimmerman of anything. They're trying to force him to cop some sort of a plea by threatening to put his wife in prison or arrange for him to be killed while awaiting trial, the whole thing is state gangsterism. Somebody definitely belongs in prison in the picture but it is not George Zimmerman or Shelly Zimmerman.
Reply Sun 24 Jun, 2012 10:19 am
I am absolutely in favor of this going to trial.
Reply Sun 24 Jun, 2012 10:27 am
So am I, but in this quote, I also think Gunga is absolutely correct. Maybe not in this particular instance, but it does happen.

gungasnake wrote:

They're trying to force him to cop some sort of a plea by threatening to put his wife in prison or arrange for him to be killed while awaiting trial, the whole thing is state gangsterism.

The punishment for a crime should be that prescribed by the judge, after conviction by the jury. I'm not happy with the idea of extrajudicial punishment meted out by fellow prisoners.
Reply Sun 24 Jun, 2012 11:11 am
Positing a criminal conspiracy to have him killed is a bit much, IMO.

The easy way to avoid having your wife prosecuted is not to let her perjure herself.

The easy way to avoid prison time while awaiting trial is not to lie to the judge.

Zimmerman's made his bed. I have no problem letting him lay in it.
Reply Sun 24 Jun, 2012 11:56 am
I'm not happy with the idea of extrajudicial punishment meted out by fellow prisoners.

That's why they've taken measures to prevent that. Zimmerman has a 65 ft area of the jail available just for him--that's about 8X the size of a regular jail cell. He has no contact with any other inmates. If he has to be moved from one area to another, he is always escorted by correction officers.

And, if Zimmerman hadn't conspired with his wife to intentionally mislead the court, and allowed her to lie to the judge, he wouldn't be sitting in that cell and she wouldn't be charged with felony perjury.

Zimmerman is probably safer in jail than he would be elsewhere.
Reply Sun 24 Jun, 2012 02:26 pm
firefly wrote:

I'm not happy with the idea of extrajudicial punishment meted out by fellow prisoners.

That's why they've taken measures to prevent that. Zimmerman has a 65 ft area of the jail available just for him--that's about 8X the size of a regular jail cell. He has no contact with any other inmates. If he has to be moved from one area to another, he is always escorted by correction officers.

And, if Zimmerman hadn't conspired with his wife to intentionally mislead the court, and allowed her to lie to the judge, he wouldn't be sitting in that cell and she wouldn't be charged with felony perjury.

Zimmerman is probably safer in jail than he would be elsewhere.

Where'd you get the stuff about the dimensions of his living quarters? And how are they justifying giving him so much more space than anyone else?
Reply Sun 24 Jun, 2012 02:31 pm
Where'd you get the stuff about the dimensions of his living quarters? And how are they justifying giving him so much more space than anyone else?

Firefly is no doubt misrepresenting the facts again....normally in this situation the cell is the normal two man tiny cell made into a one man, and there is an area for private exercise one hour a day. Firefly is including the exercise yard/space into his alleged jail space, even though he can rarely use it, and it likely is used for other purposes the other 23 hours a day. By her logic regular prisoners have thousands of square feet of space to use, as they get to go the the regular exercise yard and the meal room as well.
Reply Sun 24 Jun, 2012 05:24 pm
Positing a criminal conspiracy to have him killed is a bit much, IMO.

What the **** else could they plausibly be up to? They've got zero case accoring to one of America's top legal scholars and experts, Alan Dershowitz.

Reply Sun 24 Jun, 2012 05:51 pm
...because let's all listen to this one guy who isn't even part of the case.

Reply Sun 24 Jun, 2012 06:28 pm
I do have to wonder where some of you people learned math.
It has been reported that ZImmerman has a cell with about 67 sq feet. That is only a little bigger than an 8 x 8 space. Hardly spacious. It is not 0ver 8 x the size of a normal cell unless you want to argue that a normal prisoner lives and sleeps in an area that is 2 x 4.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 Jun, 2012 07:03 pm
Here's what happens if I'm Zimmerman's defense attorney.

The defense would like to call Dr. Alan Dershowitz of Harvard University as a witness...

Dr.. Dershowitz, am I correct in believing that you are generally known as one of America's foremost legal experts and scholars?

That is correct...

Your honor, for the record, Dr. Dershowitz's prsonal website has a bio section which notes:

Professor Alan M. Dershowitz is Brooklyn native who has been called “the nation’s most peripatetic civil liberties lawyer” and one of its “most distinguished defenders of individual rights,” “the best-known criminal lawyer in the world,” “the top lawyer of last resort,” “America’s most public Jewish defender” and “Israel’s single most visible defender – the Jewish state’s lead attorney in the court of public opinion.” He is the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. Dershowitz, a graduate of Brooklyn College and Yale Law School, joined the Harvard Law School faculty at age 25 after clerking for Judge David Bazelon and Justice Arthur Goldberg.

He has also published more than 100 articles in magazines and journals such as The New York Times Magazine, The Washington Post. The Wall Street Journal, The New Republic, The Nation, Commentary, Saturday Review, The Harvard Law Review and the Yale Law Journal, and more than 300 of his articles have appeared in syndication in 50 national daily newspapers. Professor Dershowitz is the author of 27 fiction and non-fiction works with a worldwide audience. His most recent titles include Rights From Wrong, The Case For Israel, The Case For Peace, Blasphemy: How the Religious Right is Hijacking the Declaration of Independence, Preemption: A Knife that Cuts Both Ways, Finding Jefferson – A Lost Letter, A Remarkable Discovery, and The First Amendment In An Age of Terrorism, and The Case For Moral Clarity: Israel, Hamas and Gaza.

I know who Professor Derwhowitz is, Mr. Snake...

Professor Dershowitz, have you expressed an opinion regarding this case in national media?

I have...

And what was tht opinion...

The opinion of this case which I've expressed in several syndicated journal articles is that the prosecutor has no case against Mr. Zimmerman, and is behaving in an unprofessional if not criminal and illegal manner...

And what was this stupid bitch's reaction to that?

She threatened to sue Harvard University.

That will be all, Professor Dershowitz, no further questions...

Any of you clowns actually believe there's any shot any jury in the land would convict this guy of anything after THAT???
Reply Sun 24 Jun, 2012 08:10 pm
I guess we'll all see, won't we?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2012 04:56 am
Re: snood (Post 5023613)

Where'd you get the stuff about the dimensions of his living quarters? And how are they justifying giving him so much more space than anyone else?

The dimensions of his living quarters were given in news reports such as the one below.
The justification is that he is a very high profile inmate who has received death threats, and a main concern, and obligation, of the department of corrections is to keep him safe from harm by other inmates. They cannot let him mingle with or have contact with other inmates. They will house him in any area of the jail where they can accomplish that. That is standard practice in most jails for similar cases.
ORLANDO -- George Zimmerman, the defendant in the fatal shooting of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin, returned to jail Sunday after a Florida judge revoked his bond.

Zimmerman was wearing jeans, a checked shirt and sneakers when he arrived at Seminole County Jail in a white minivan.

Seminole Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester on Friday gave Zimmerman 48 hours to turn himself in after prosecutors said his financial status was misrepresented during his April bail hearing. The deadline for Zimmerman to report to jail was 2:30pm Sunday.

He was booked into jail at approximately 1:45pm local time, the Seminole County Sheriff's Office said in a press release. He will remain behind bars without bond until another hearing is held.

Zimmerman is being held in administrative confinement, segregated from the rest of the inmate population, in a 67-square-foot cell designed for two inmates, the Sheriff's Office said.

He will be allowed three hours of recreation a week and will have no access to television or tobacco products, but will be allowed to read books and magazines, according to the Sheriff's Office.

Firefly is no doubt misrepresenting the facts again....normally in this situation the cell is the normal two man tiny cell made into a one man, and there is an area for private exercise one hour a day. Firefly is including the exercise yard/space into his alleged jail space, even though he can rarely use it, and it likely is used for other purposes the other 23 hours a day. By her logic regular prisoners have thousands of square feet of space to use, as they get to go the the regular exercise yard and the meal room as well.

I have no reason to misrepresent the facts regarding Zimmerman's housing conditions, nor did I, as you can see from the above article.

When Strauss-Kahn was housed on Rikers Island, before he was let out on bail, he had an entire wing of Rikers Island Hospital all to himself.

You are overlooking the facts--mainly the fact that Zimmerman, like DSK, is not a convicted prisoner, he is being held awaiting trial in lieu of bail. That gives the institution more leeway in where and how to house him. Very high profile detainees, particularly where safety is a major concern, as it is with Zimmerman, will be housed in atypical areas of the facility, which may often not be the regular administrative segregation areas.
By her logic regular prisoners have thousands of square feet of space to use, as they get to go the the regular exercise yard and the meal room as well

You don't know much about jails. Detainees held in administrative segregation only have to be let out of their cell one hour a day and typically don't go to an "excercise yard". They do not go to a "meal room", their meals are brought to their cell. And Zimmerman is likely being kept in a much more isolated way than most of the others in administrative segregation in that jail.

Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2012 05:41 am

http://able2know.org/topic/188223-89#post-5023540 That's why they've taken measures to prevent that. Zimmerman has a 65 ft area of the jail available just for him--that's about 8X the size of a regular jail cell. He has no contact with any other inmates. If he has to be moved from one area to another, he is always escorted by correction officers.

snood wrote:
http://able2know.org/topic/188223-89#post-5023613 Where'd you get the stuff about the dimensions of his living quarters? And how are they justifying giving him so much more space than anyone else?

The dimensions of his living quarters were given in news reports such as the one below.
The justification is that he is a very high profile inmate who has received death threats, and a main concern, and obligation, of the department of corrections is to keep him safe from harm by other inmates. They cannot let him mingle with or have contact with other inmates. They will house him in any area of the jail where they can accomplish that. That is standard practice in most jails for similar cases.

ORLANDO -- George Zimmerman, the defendant in the fatal shooting of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin, returned to jail Sunday after a Florida judge revoked his bond.

Zimmerman was wearing jeans, a checked shirt and sneakers when he arrived at Seminole County Jail in a white minivan.

Zimmerman is being held in administrative confinement, segregated from the rest of the inmate population, in a 67-square-foot cell designed for two inmates, the Sheriff's Office said.

So we have gone from '65 foot area' (which is vague at best) to 67 square feet, a cell designed for 2. 67 square feet is not particularly large, just a little more than an 8 foot by 8 foot room, so (in response to snood) this is not particularly a lot more space than other inmates and as has been indicated, he needs to be kept apart from others for his own safety. (although often prisoners do end up 'accidentally' in general pop., some survive, some don't)

To firefly, not sure where you got your original '65 foot area' statement; but, the update, where you now say 67 square feet makes your earlier statement off. It was clearly not 'about 8X the size of a regular jail cell'.
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2012 07:53 am

Any of you clowns actually believe there's any shot any jury in the land would convict this guy of anything after THAT???

You are the only clown that believes any judge in the US would let a jury hear that nonsense. It isn't relevant to the case. The judge may (but not likely) entertain it when considering whether to throw out a case but they wouldn't let a jury hear it.
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2012 08:26 am
You are right, my initial statement was wrong--I misunderstood the dimensions.

In reality, the size of his cell really doesn't matter much. There isn't anywhere he can go, or much he can do, inside that cell and, if he is housed in an isolated area, where they can let him out of the cell more often, there isn't much he could do beside walk up and down a hall by himelf.
The sheriff’s office said the 28-year-old Zimmerman would be in a cell by himself, separated from the general population, because the case is so high-profile. The 67-square-foot cell is equipped with a toilet, two beds, a mattress, a pillow, a blanket and bed sheets. Zimmerman will not have access to a TV.

Zimmerman's cell is probably not located in any regular administration segregation area of the jail. He is in "protective custody" and, for Zimmerman in particular, that's probably located in a relatively isolated area of the jail, in addition to his being in a cell by himself. Often these locations are in medical or infirmary areas of the jail rather than in the regular housing areas, and rather than the regular PC housing areas.

Zimmerman's housing location in the jail is given as "I"--I'm guessing, but that might indicate "infirmary" because that would make sense.

He certainly has enough $ in his commissary account ($544.99) to buy himself loads of junk food.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2012 08:37 am
Gunga doen't seem to understand who the defendant in this case is, and it's not the special prosecutor, let alone does he understand what sort of testimony would be relevant.

Gunga also overlooks the fact that Dershowitz's main gripe is with the specific charge of second degree murder--he feels that Zimmerman was over-charged given the info in the affidavit of probable cause. Dershowitz has said that he thinks a manslaughter charge against Zimmerman might have been warranted.
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2012 09:25 am

Dershowitz's pronouncements on this case like everybody elses have been modified somewhat as new and better info has come out.


Alan DershowitzCriminal and civil liberties lawyer

New Forensic Evidence Is Consistent With George Zimmerman's Self Defense Claim

A medical report by George Zimmerman's doctor has disclosed that Zimmerman had a fractured nose, two black eyes, two lacerations on the back of his head and a back injury on the day after the fatal shooting. Moreover, the New York Times has reported that traces of marijuana were found in Trayvon Martin's body and that Martin's father initially said that the voice crying for help was not that of his son. It is also been reported that a bruise was found on Martin's ring finger that would be consistent with Martin having punched Zimmerman. No other wounds, aside of course from the fatal bullet hole in the front of Martin's body, were found.

If this evidence turns out to be valid, the prosecutor will have no choice but to drop the second-degree murder charge against Zimmerman -- if she wants to act ethically, lawfully and professionally.

There is, of course, no assurance that the special prosecutor handling the case, State Attorney Angela Corey, will do the right thing. Because until now, her actions have been anything but ethical, lawful and professional.

She was aware when she submitted an affidavit that it did not contain the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. She deliberately withheld evidence that supported Zimmerman's claim of self-defense. The New York Times has reported that the police had "a full face picture" of Zimmerman, before paramedics treated him, that showed "a bloodied nose." The prosecutor also had photographic evidence of bruises to the back of his head.

But none of this was included in any affidavit.

Now there is much more extensive medical and forensic evidence that would tend to support Zimmerman's version of events. This version, if true, would establish self-defense even if Zimmerman had improperly followed, harassed and provoked Martin.

A defendant, under Florida law, loses his "stand your ground" defense if he provoked the encounter -- but he retains traditional self-defense if he reasonably believed his life was in danger and his only recourse was to employ deadly force.

Thus, if Zimmerman verbally provoked Martin, but Martin then got on top of Zimmerman and banged his head into the ground, broke his nose, bloodied his eyes and persisted in attacking Zimmerman -- and if Zimmerman couldn't protect himself from further attack except by shooting Martin -- he would have the right to do that. (The prosecution has already admitted that it has no evidence that Zimmerman started the actual fight.)

This is a fact-specific case, in which much turns on what the jury believes beyond a reasonable doubt. It must resolve all such doubts in favor of the defendant, because our system of justice insists that it is better for 10 guilty defendants to go free than for even one innocent to be wrongfully convicted.

You wouldn't know that from listening to Corey, who announced that her jobs was "to do justice for Trayvon Martin" -- not for George Zimmerman.

As many see it, her additional job is to prevent riots of the sort that followed the acquittal of the policemen who beat Rodney King.

Indeed, Mansfield Frazier, a columnist for the Daily Beast, has suggested that it is the responsibility of the legal system to "avert a large scale racial calamity." He has urged Zimmerman's defense lawyer to become a "savior" by brokering a deal to plead his client guilty to a crime that "has him back on the streets within this decade."

But it is not the role of a defense lawyer to save the world or the country. His job -- his only job -- is to get the best result for his client, by all legal and ethical means.

Listen to the way a famous British barrister put it in 1820:


An advocate, by the sacred duty which he owes his client, knows, in the discharge of that office, but one person in the world, that client and none other . . . Nay, separating even the duties of a patriot from those of an advocate, and casting them, if need be, to the wind, he must go on reckless of the consequences, if his fate it should unhappily be, to involve his country in confusion for his client's protection.

Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2012 09:27 am
Indeed, Mansfield Frazier, a columnist for the Daily Beast, has suggested that it is the responsibility of the legal system to "avert a large scale racial calamity."

You could do that by outlawing and banning the demoKKKrat party.
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2012 09:36 am
This case will be judged by a jury, and not by Alan Dershowitz, if the charges are not dismissed at an immunity hearing.

So, citing Dershowitz means nada. And, if the charge against Zimmerman had been manslaughter, Dershowitz wouldn't have been getting his panties into a knot. There is enough evidence to justify a manlaughter charge.
if Zimmerman couldn't protect himself from further attack except by shooting Martin...

Well, what prevented Zimmerman from fighting back, and defending himself, with equal force? Who said he couldn't protect himself except by using deadly force?

There are also inconsistencies in Zimmerman's statements to the police, as well as inconsistencies between the beating he described he took and his relatively minor injuries.

There are too many unanswered questions, and problems with Zimmerman's credibility.

This case is where it belongs--in court. And you will have to wait to see the outcome in court.

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