Do you think Zimmerman will be convicted of murder?

Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2012 01:10 pm
Remember who you're talking to. Peruvians riding pterodactyls ring a bell?

This is one of the sanest things he's said.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2012 01:20 pm
No, no, even gunga's not THAt crazy. He thinks they rode brontosauruses, not pterodactyls.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2012 01:25 pm

Robitussin PE used to contain a pretty good quantity of pseudoephedrine, but since that ingredient is now kept behind the pharmacy's counter, it has become pretty much unavailable. Not enough demand for most retailers to bother with.
Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2012 02:14 pm
Robitussin DM contains dextromethorphan, and has a history of being abused. When taken in large quantities it has hallucinogenic effects. I suppose if somone wanted to get high on a concoction of skittles, tea and Robo DM, they could.

That said, gunga's full of gun-nut, wingnut conspiratorial crap. The only one probably "under the influence" that night was Zimmerman - he was taking prescriptions for ADHD, Insomnia and stomach ulcers (Adderall, Temazepam and Librax). All three of those drugs have psychoactive characteristics, and carry warnings not to drive or operate machinery (and certainly not firearms) while taking them.

Zimmerman's story is full of holes big enough to drive that SUV he was "patroling" in, through. There is evidence being released that show more than one cop did not believe Zimmerman's account of how the shooting went down, and that the lead investigator Chris Serino wanted him arrested but was overruled by the State's Attorney.

I don't want Zimmerman to be tried in the court of public opinion. I want him fairly tried with a judge and a duly sworn jury. I think there's a chance that if that happens, the Martin family might get some small token of justice (several years in prison for Mr Zimmerman).
Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2012 04:31 pm
Video: Zimmerman's Account of Fatal Fight
June 22, 2012

(ORLANDO, Fla.) — George Zimmerman appears believable when he re-enacts for police what he says led to the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin, but some of his statements are questionable, lawyers who reviewed the footage Thursday said.

Even a detective who interrogates the neighborhood watch leader in an audio recording points out inconsistencies in his story, particularly Zimmerman's claim that Martin confronted him, punched him and slammed his head onto the ground when the teenager had no prior history of violence.

Detective Chris Sereno asks Zimmerman whether he was profiling Martin because he was black, a claim Martin's parents have made.

"You know you are going to come under a lot of scrutiny for this," Sereno said. "Had this person been white, would you have felt the same way?"

"Yes," said Zimmerman, who father is white and his mother Hispanic.

The video and audio tapes released by Zimmerman's attorney give Zimmerman's most detailed account yet of what led to the Feb. 26 shooting. They were released almost a week before Zimmerman's second bond hearing on a second-degree murder charge, and on the heels of unflattering telephone calls capturing Zimmerman and his wife talking in code about using money collected for a defense fund to pay credit cards.

Zimmerman claims he shot the unarmed 17-year-old Martin teen in self-defense, under Florida's "stand your ground" law.

Martin's parents have said Zimmerman was the aggressor. They said Martin was walking back from a convenience store through the gated community in Sanford when Zimmerman spotted Martin and started following him.

In the video (http://apne.ws/KWquJX ), Zimmerman said he grabbed his gun from a holster on his waist before Martin could get it, and shot Martin once in the chest as they fought on the ground outside townhomes in a gated community. After firing, Zimmerman said he thought he missed.

"He sat up and said, `You got me. You got me, or something like that,'" Zimmerman said.

Zimmerman said Martin had been on top of him, slamming his head against the ground and smothering his mouth and nose with his hand and arm. The tape shows two butterfly bandages on the back of Zimmerman's head and another on his nose. There are red marks on the front of his head.

"It felt like my head was going to explode," he said.

Criminal defense lawyers who reviewed the video for The Associated Press and have no connection to the case said there were some parts that didn't add up.

"He came across as being straight-forward," attorney David Hill said. "I didn't see him being too slick on the details."

Hill said the video didn't show him to be the zealous "cop-wannabe" that Martin's parents have portrayed.

Zimmerman claims Martin confronted him after the neighborhood watch leader had given up searching for him and was walking back to his truck. But there doesn't appear to be a place to hide in the area where Zimmerman says Martin suddenly appeared, Hill pointed out.

Zimmerman's injuries also don't appear to be consistent with the severity of the attack he described, Hill said.

Attorney Blaine McChesney said he found parts of Zimmerman's re-enactment difficult to envision, such as his account of how he was able to reach for his gun with Martin on top of him. Zimmerman said he got on top of Martin after the shooting to restrain him.

"I also find it strange that Zimmerman would have attempted to use both his arms to hold Martin facedown, re-holstering his firearm, given those circumstances," McChesney said. "Once out from under Martin's alleged attack, it would have been more logical to hold Martin at gunpoint from a few feet away until police arrived."

In one of the audio recordings, Sereno tells Zimmerman three days after the shooting that Martin was a "good kid, mild-mannered kid."

Sereno tells Zimmerman that Martin, an athlete with an interest in aeronautics, was "a kid with a future, a kid with folks that care." The detective said Martin only had a bag of Skittles and an iced tea on him when he died.

"Not a goon," Sereno said.

He asked Zimmerman to explain why he doesn't have bruises on his body or broken ribs. The two dozen punches Zimmerman claims he took are "not quite consistent with your injuries," Sereno said.

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2117884,00.html#ixzz1yerlfFMe
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2012 04:37 pm
....He asked Zimmerman to explain why he doesn't have bruises on his body or broken ribs. The two dozen punches Zimmerman claims he took are "not quite consistent with your injuries," Sereno said. ....

Zimmerman's own doctor described him as having a broken nose and both eyes blackened the day after the fight. That makes this guy Sereno sound like a sort of a clown.
Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2012 04:48 pm

Zimmerman's own doctor described him as having a broken nose and both eyes blackened the day after the fight.

Have you actually seen a copy of that doctor's report?

In the police video taken the day after the shooting, Zimmerman clearly does not have black eyes.
That makes this guy Sereno sound like a sort of a clown.

Given your ignorance of the evidence, you're the one who sounds like a clown.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2012 05:02 pm
Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2012 08:39 pm
That's not a copy of the medical report--it's a reported "leak" and the name of the doctor is not mentioned.

With all the evidence released in this case, Zimmerman's alleged medical evaluation by that doctor has not been made public.

Watch the video of Zimmerman describing to the police what happened during the altercation with Martin--the video was made the day after the shooting in broad daylight. Zimmerman clearly does not have blackened eyes.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2012 08:44 pm
I didn't know that, but you know what? I'm not even tempted.

Hey, some days I take Mucinex. Is there something I should know about that?
Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2012 08:50 pm
You know what I think.
Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2012 09:15 pm
Tell me again.
Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2012 09:34 pm
Not on line.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2012 09:40 pm
roger wrote:

I didn't know that, but you know what? I'm not even tempted.

Hey, some days I take Mucinex. Is there something I should know about that?

You should know that you can find out most anything you'd need to know from sites like Drugs.com or rxlist. But since you ask...

Plain Mucinex is just guaifenesin - an 'expectorant' that is designed to thin out the excesssive mucous in our respiratory systems that tends to build up for one reason or another. Nothing harmful there, unless you don't drink enough water while on it - that could lead to dehydration.

Mucinex DM or Mucinex D or Mucinex with any other letters after the name has other ingredients for cough or congestion, and those other ingredients have other considerations.

Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2012 09:53 pm
TalkLeft of all places on the web:



The Online Magazine with Liberal coverage of crime-related political and injustice news

............A variation is not a difference. It is not a significant dissimilarity. How do these experts tell whether something is a variation or a difference? That's subjective, up to the examiner. (And why handwriting analysis is not considered science -- it's too subjective.)

Here, since we're dealing in the court of public opinion and with opinion not science, we can all be like document examiners.

There may be many variations in George Zimmerman's multiple accounts, but which, if any, amount to a significant dissimilarity that rises to a difference over a variation, and warrants someone concluding the essential elements of his version are not true?

My opinion: This is self-defense. Zimmerman was not the aggressor, he did nothing to provoke Trayvon Martin’s beating him, breaking his nose and slamming his head into concrete. He had every right to respond with deadly force to stop Trayvon’s physical attack on him and to prevent Trayvon from getting control of his weapon.

Here’s my interpretation of George’s version of events, which undoubtedly will be disputed bhy the state. Again, these are not undisputed truths, but my interpretation of George’s version.

George’s suspicion was aroused because he saw someone milling around between houses in the rain. He knew this person didn’t live at the house he was standing by because it had been burglarized before and he knew who lived there. The guy wasn’t exercising. He did nothing to get out of the rain. He thought to himself, who stands out in the rain and stares at houses? He did what the Sanford Police had instructed members of the community to do when they see something suspicious. He called the non-emergency number for the police to report his suspicion.................

Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2012 10:02 pm
Dumb question here, Snood...

You go to the doctor for your annual checkup, and the doctor tells you he has some good news, and he has some bad news, first the good news:

You're in generally good shape for somebody your age, heart, lungs, everything pretty much OK, you're in no danger of diabetes, rickets, scurvy, polio, malaria, or anything of that nature at all.

Then the bad news: You have some sort of a genetic defect which, were you ever to have children, would cause them to all look like Trayvon Martin......


I mean, aside from any question of getting yourself fixed to prevent anything like that if that were to happen, would you VOTE for somebody with a problem like that("If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon Martin")??
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2012 10:07 pm
dumb question was correct...

Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2012 10:43 pm
gungasnake wrote:

TalkLeft of all places on the web:



The Online Magazine with Liberal coverage of crime-related political and injustice news

............A variation is not a difference. It is not a significant dissimilarity. How do these experts tell whether something is a variation or a difference? That's subjective, up to the examiner. (And why handwriting analysis is not considered science -- it's too subjective.)

Here, since we're dealing in the court of public opinion and with opinion not science, we can all be like document examiners.

There may be many variations in George Zimmerman's multiple accounts, but which, if any, amount to a significant dissimilarity that rises to a difference over a variation, and warrants someone concluding the essential elements of his version are not true?

My opinion: This is self-defense. Zimmerman was not the aggressor, he did nothing to provoke Trayvon Martin’s beating him, breaking his nose and slamming his head into concrete. He had every right to respond with deadly force to stop Trayvon’s physical attack on him and to prevent Trayvon from getting control of his weapon.

Here’s my interpretation of George’s version of events, which undoubtedly will be disputed bhy the state. Again, these are not undisputed truths, but my interpretation of George’s version.

George’s suspicion was aroused because he saw someone milling around between houses in the rain. He knew this person didn’t live at the house he was standing by because it had been burglarized before and he knew who lived there. The guy wasn’t exercising. He did nothing to get out of the rain. He thought to himself, who stands out in the rain and stares at houses? He did what the Sanford Police had instructed members of the community to do when they see something suspicious. He called the non-emergency number for the police to report his suspicion.................

It is very, very unusual to get
candor like that from a liberal.
Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2012 10:48 pm
It is very, very unusual to get candor like that from a liberal.

Believe it or not you've still got a few of the old-style (non lunatic) dems and libs around here and there. Alan Dershowitz has said the same thing and in fact described the prosecutor's case as non existent, for which she threatened to sue Harvard. Imagine this going to a jury and the defense lawyer calling Dershowitz as a witness...


And, what did this goofy woman do when you called her case non-existent, Mr. Dershowitz?

She threatened to sue Harvard University...
Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2012 11:11 pm
gungasnake wrote:

It is very, very unusual to get candor like that from a liberal.

Believe it or not you've still got a few of the old-style (non lunatic) dems and libs around here and there. Alan Dershowitz has said the same thing and in fact described the prosecutor's case as non existent, for which she threatened to sue Harvard. Imagine this going to a jury and the defense lawyer calling Dershowitz as a witness...


And, what did this goofy woman do when you called her case non-existent, Mr. Dershowitz?

She threatened to sue Harvard University...

I must AGREE with your observations, concerning her goofyness, Gunga.
That is a terrific display of professional ignorance from that lady.
ANY lawyer shud know better than that.


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