Thu 19 Apr, 2012 04:10 pm
Today is Holocaust Remberance Day, timed to commemorate the uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1942. Any commemorative comments welcome here.
@Lustig Andrei,
It's hard to think of what to say.
Yeah, I guess it must be. Some 30 views and only one comment on the thread so far. But thanx for the link, Osso.
@Lustig Andrei,
I've known about it, obviously, but don't now remember where I first learned. Reading, but what reading.
I rarely write of or speak of the holocaust, not from insensitivity, but because I don't have the capacity to respond adequately. The horror is a monster that lurks in the human character. I think how passengers have learned to respond to dangerous people on airplanes and wish we could do the same in the politics of war and ethnic cleansing.
@Lustig Andrei,
Quote: Today is Holocaust Remberance Day, timed to commemorate the uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1942. Any commemorative comments welcome here.
Never know what to say about it, excepting that it should be remembered along with the events which led to it and what followed.
Apart from the linkages below, I will add one thing, you have the wrong year, the actual ghetto uprising took place at Passover time 1943, and so, the annual remembrance day begins at about a week after Passover has concluded.
*, (by then known as Lwów) got around to their uprising the following year as part of Operation Tempest, which was a national uprising throughout Poland.
*Lemberg was where my grandfather was born and began life
More on Operation Tempest
You're absolutely right, Sturgis. I was one year off regarding the Warsaw Ghetto debacle. Thnx for the corrective update. (Too late to edit now.)
Of course it's a huge day. And sometimes silence is the more profound thing.