Mon 16 Apr, 2012 01:40 am
Think about it. For flag football, you don't need to work out or develop any skills; you just have to be fast and be able to catch. It basically defeats the purpose of any other position player except the fastest positions like receiver and cornerbacks. It kills the point of being able to bench press 400 pounds when all you have to do is be fast.
Who agrees with me when I say that flag football is a terrible substitute for tackle football? Or for those of you who prefer flag football to tackle football, why?
Edit [Moderator]: Link removed
I think flag football is much more accessible to the everyday person exactly because you don't have to be able to bench 400lb. It's a much more fast paced and tactical game than the more brute force standard version, it's also a lot cheaper for the everyday person since you don't need pads and produces a lot less injuries. Flag is essentially the same version played on playgrounds around the country. When kids play sandlot football, they typically play "touch" football which is more similar to flag than standard football. For the big leagues there is full contact football; for the rest of us, there is flag or touch.
There's a place for both. Flag football is safer for the playground, but the Super Bowl wouldn't be quite as fun to watch if it wasn't tackle football.