Oh you are quite intolerant of his views. That you don't recognize it or won't admit it is immaterial to the truth.
I repeat my question, how does his intolerance affect you?
This is, I think, a perfectly valid question since you have repeatedly asked him how homosexual behavior affects him.
Interesting how you press him for an answer to your question, but dodge mine.
Unless he is the avatar for the Speaker of The House he cannot express any of his opinions as law, and so that's a red herring.
You are merely being argumentative. What difference does it make why he finds homosexuality immoral? Is there even a remote possibility that he could provide you with an answer that would persuade you to his line of thinking or even cause you to cease objecting to it?
You are asking for fodder.
I can't speak for him but let's say he tells you that he believes homosexuality is immoral because the Bible tells him so.
Are you going to tell me with a straight face that you will respond with something to the effect of:
"Oh, OK. I don't agree but I appreciate you sharing with me the source of your opinion."
No, you will launch into a predictable diatribe about how the Bible is filled with all sorts of horrible admonitions for the faithful, is a mythology and how Jesus would love gays (although you question whether or not Jesus ever existed), and finish with a declaration that he remains an intolerant ass.
The supposed premise of this thread was something to the effect of:
"I just can't understand how Republicans think. Can a Republican please tell me how you see the world and how you see a better future?"
In reality it is
"Hey Republicans, come into this thread and outline your views so that we can mock them, sneer at you and tell you what a miscreant you really are.
Slkshock, and slkshock alone took the bait.
Nothing particularly offensive about the bait and switch game played. It happens in A2K all of the time. Slkshock should have know the question was not sincere.
I'm not criticizing the nature of the question, just the bullshit of the people with their lines in the water telling us that they're not trying to fish.