Theres an enzyme in grapefruit juice that can soluilize and speed the drug into your system. Most formularies have an admix of time released doses. The enzyme just cuts through and gets the drug acting. I did this once, before I knew about the interaction and when I took my BP medicine, about an hour later I collapsed when I got up from a chair and started walking . They took me to the ER and I got wired up, when the adrenaline rush was over, my BP was like 75over 40. So I had an attack opf "positional hypotension" which was caused by having a big dose of BP meds in a grapefruit juice cocktail
CI-when I drank alot, I suffered from reflux, usually late at night. The thing that Phoenix said is true, dont lie flat for a while after eating and, Ill add, keep the alkohool intake down. You dont have to be a total tea drinker.
jl, my problem was always the cardiac valve not the pyloric. Soon as I detoxed and went into rehab, I never had any reflux events again.
(one whose been there)