one man, one vote concept will apply to the following: no one.
In Red States, it's four votes for every heterosexual man, three for every heterosexual woman and two for everyone who we're not really sure about but at least is in a Red State. It is a given that these people are all voting for the GOP. Anyone voting for the Left is automatically declared dead or moved out of state.
Swing States get half these votes although if the person is leaning Republican they get three-quarters of the amount in Red States. All fractional totals are automatically decided in favor of Republicans, even if it's 10,000 3/4 for Democrats. That 3/4 still belongs to the GOP. All Left-leaning voters are deported.
In Blue States, it's six votes for every heterosexual man voting Republican and five for every heterosexual woman voting for the GOP. Ambiguous persons get three and a half votes if voting for the Right. Anyone voting for the Left gets an automatic negative vote, with gay lesbian Subaru-driving green Socialist Commie pinko vegans getting minus seventeen times their vote. All negative totals are automatically decided in favor of the GOP, hence -10,000 is really a +10,000 for the Right.
Anyone really light in the loafers in a Blue State who wears an ascot or other unapproved accoutrement(s), including hoodies, hijabs, yarmulkes, tams decorated with African symbols, etc. is barred from voting entirely. While the Tea Party does not formally advocate tying rocks to these people's hijabs, hoodies, etc. and throwing them into the nearest body of water, the fact that such things occur is a tragic matter that will be ignored, and the Party's mentioning of same and tacit approval and lack of protest about same will be swept under the rug until the next election cycle when some other nosy crusading reporter tries to dig it up. Said reporter will be assigned to front-line reporting in Afghanistan as a reward for his or her diligence.