@Joe Nation,
Yes, one of the good guys.
Although Becca is definitley her fathers (my husbands) daughter, "John" was the one that was there teaching her the day to day right and wrongs. A patient man.
I'm reminded of the ending passage is George Eliots "Middlemarch"
The growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tombs.
John will be visited, but of course not forever. However, he made his mark on the world through raising 3 productive members of society, that will continue his good works.
I looked online awhile ago at this "bucket list" site. I just don't get that concept, especially reading a number of lists.
When I die, I'm either not going to exist anymore, and won't even have a memory of what I've done or didn't do. If there's some kind of afterlife which involves awareness, I'd think the fact you got around to hang gliding during your brief stint here wouldn't mean much either. This bucket list idea seems so hollywood.
I didn't read any list that said someone wanted to do anything for the lasting good of society. That would be the legacy I'd like to leave to the world, and which John has done.
I was talking to a woman I know yesterday, someone who is aware she's had a good life, gotten some good breaks, and she's what I would consider someone who's usually in a good mood. We were discussing what appears to be the expectations of people today, as compared to times past. She said she doesn't believe it's the natural condition of people to be happy most of the time, which is what we seem to expect today.
I agree. Most of life is putting one foot in front of each other most of the time, good times come around, then maybe bad, followed by a stretch of inbetween.
I don't see anything wrong with that. It sounds normal.
So, while John doesn't want to die yet, it's not like he doesn't want to because he hasn't shot the rapids yet. It's just a generally good thing to be around.