I'm 61..and personally understand the intense desire for longevity at this stage of life. That being said, I also take some supplements in limited amounts. I do not equate the taking of these supplements with any expectation of longevity or even with better health. I would caution anyone else I know from such an expectation. I'm on a limited narrow budget so I can't entertain such a fantasy either. I cross my fingers and keep my medical appointments regularly.
IMHO, being 'smart enough' to have selected good genes, living in a healthful pollution-free environment, living a healthful life (with less stress) over the long haul might give some assurance of longevity. Having good luck can also be part of the picture, too.
However, cramming a bunch of pills in our mouths will certainly make pill-maker's very happy, but won't overcome the inevitable. A lifetime of good health habits might be our best insurance.