Quote:Ok - what is somatic nuclear transfer?
It's what's generally referred to as cloning. You take a cell from an adult animal -- an udder cell, in Dolly's case, but it's probably not too important what sort of cell it is -- and suck the nucleus out. Then you stick the nucleus into an egg cell from another animal from which the nucleus has already been removed, do some sort of mumbo jumbo to make them compatible, then implant the egg into a surrogate mother. Course, it's easier said than done. Dolly was the only one of 277 (or so) cells that were implanted in that trial, so the success rate is a bit low. There are variations, since each species presents different challenges, but that's the general idea.
Embyronic nuclear transfer is the same basic idea, but the donor nucleus comes from an undifferentiated embryonic cell (read: stem cell). This presents far fewer challenges, but wouldn't allow you to, say, generate new nervous tissue genetically identical to the person who needs it.
(Now that I think of it, I'm not sure how cloning would be used to treat most cancers, but, like I said, I'm a neophyte.)