I'm pissed at Kerry about this, by the way...
Just wait until 50% of San Francisco relocates to Boston.
This is great news! A step in the right direction, at least.
Both my sister and I have received automatic phone polls asking us to vote on whether we agree or disagree with this ruling. Neither of us happened to pick up the phone when they called. Too bad.
What other states allow gay marriage?
none. VT allows same-sex civil unions.
2 or 3 provinces in Canada also allow some type of legal union between homosexuals.
Turner, do you really think that people should be able to marry animals?
"And do you lawfully take gustavratzenhofer for a husband, in sickness and in health, til death do you part?"
The tourism industry in Toronto is a bit peeved about this. We were just starting to see a bit of a G&L wedding boom here. Not much, but they were optimistic that there would be more.