Hey MiniMe thank you for answering.
I am sorry, for your loss. It's hard losing a parent so young and you must have felt shattered, especially with the bond you two obviously had....
People cope differently with pain.. Sometimes that "quick" fix, seems to be the answer but it's not, honestly..
I think all little girls are their Daddy's little Princess and there just seems to be such a different special bond with a Dad, than their is a Mom. I think Mom's have it tough really. There is that intuition, and experiences as a girl themselves, that they fear for their own child. Usually a Daddy, kind of laughs with you and usually a Mom kind of continually tells you off
I don't know why it always seems to be that as a Mom you are the bad guy, but it is. It's funny though, when you are older in your 20's and have your own child, you will see things a little differently. Cause you will be the bad one and your husband will be the good one
I think that your Mother as she classed your Dad as a "friend" also has had and is having a hard time about the death of your Dad and I agree with you, I also think that she knows that you pushed her away and maybe she feels she has no one now? Do you think that maybe if you sat down with her and told her what you told us, that she would open up about how she is feeling? She may be going through just as much pain not just from your Dad's death but with not knowing how to help you through it.. Perhaps that does pain her and she doesn't have the skills to understand and react accordingly.
Sometimes, Mothers also so don't want history repeated. It's possible that she wants better for you than what she chose as to why she says things.. Maybe she thinks she is using reverse physcology and doesn't realise she is pushing you away more and hurting you inside. I don't know sweety all I do know is that deep inside, you also think that she does actually love you and maybe it's time the two of you talked about what happened, how you both have been feeling the last 3 years and where you may go from here...
She has a little 5 year old? As well. Do you get on with his Father? Is he someone also you can converse with?
And, sweet, she doesn't hate the way you look, she is either venting her own feelings or trying to make you the beautiful person you are inside, not every one knows how to go about things...
Tough lives sometimes equates to the thinking of "tough love" but sometimes that backfires to bite them in the bum:)
You know, you have nothing to lose you are almost 17, but sitting down with her and re-reading this thread and putting together a conversation not about how you hate her, or what she says, or does, but about life, and your Dad, and that you know she loves you and how she feels about all that happened.
Having someone you love and the friendship is also about "her daughter's father", so a bit more love than just friends, shot is hard on anyone.
Again, I am so sorry for your loss but it's a big world out there with so much happiness to be had, you have a huge future ahead of you...
Do you have dreams? Goals? What do you want to do in College?