Sorry Caprice, the comment about birds and cages was tongue in cheek as I thought the smiley

I thought the other posts I made implied that it wasn't a bad relationship and he wasn't a bad person rather the opposite and that I had acted impulsively - not taken the time to think until it was too late, this was only hours later therefore I don't think I was begging for him to be back in my life as he hadn't really left it. I thought that my posts said that I thought he was a special person to me and I wanted to work through hard times rather than run from them. Of course there are people out there that treat other people badly on purpose but he isn't one of them. I thought that my posts implied I wasn't prepared to settle for something that wasn't right for me and that he has to be willing too. As Relation says you need to understand that other person and the reasons behind their actions/ feelings. Imp sorry if I took your words wrong- I just thought you sounded critical of my feelings -" Are you kidding me? I'm single, no prospects in sight, not exactly enjoying it, but I'd rather be alone any day than in a relationship that doesn't work". and that you hadn't really got what I was saying. But I guess my posts were long and probably confusing at times and it is hard to get what people really mean when you don't know them. I guess we should all think before we act - as I have now learnt.
Pessimisum- I will LIVE by those pointers now. They are soooo true :
Sugar I kinda think your words about people that want to be with you are- are right, I have taken it in the long term sence. But somethimes life and people f**k up. Think a break is a good thing sometimes though.
Anyway guys, thanks for all your words, advice, input. It's helped me work through my feelings a little and they have comforted me a little. I think I should stop dwelling on it now otherwise I'll go mad
I may be back, if I need help in not picking up that phone or not getting too down in the dumps- if that is Ok with you guys.