Loveloser wrote:Bitter sweet freedom. I'd rather be his caged love bird than a lonely eagle.

Are you kidding me? I'm single, no prospects in sight, not exactly enjoying it, but I'd rather be alone any day than in a relationship that doesn't work.
No offense, but from what you described, I think you scared him off. You got angry with him when you were together and said you "couldn't do it anymore". Then you contact him, talk, he has second thoughts. You get upset and practically beg the guy to be back in your life. (The e-mail you sent telling him you loved him.) Then he backs away further. Can you see how he might view this? You went hot and cold on him. (At least it seemed that way to me based on your post.) I think his fear is that he doesn't want to be involved with someone on an emotional rollercoaster. That may not be who you are, but that might be how he is seeing you right now.
It almost sounds like things are done with him. I'm no love expert, but maybe you could tell him that you agree to taking a break from each other and that your "door" is always open should he change his mind. The trick after that is to not pine for the guy. Don't let the fact he isn't in your life dictate how you live your life.
For me, I kept saying to myself that if he was meant for me, he wouldn't have treated me the way he did. It helped me get over him. I think it would be great to meet my "soul mate" and be swept off my feet, yada, yada, yada. But I'm not going to wait for that to happen. I think I'd rather have a guy in my life who was a friend first, with romance developing along the way.
You sound kind of like I did not that terribly long love with the idea of love. Could that be the case with you?