I think you are referring to the Virginia ultrasound bill? I'm a little confused on whether the bill is going to forward or not.
Va. senator to kill amended ultrasound bill
If I understand it correctly, they have dropped the invasive ultrasound but still require a woman to have a external, transabdominal ultrasound before getting an abortion.
Setting aside the whole abortion debate, once again I think republicans are just trying to go around the current laws and putting extra road blocks on women to make their own decisions. Treating women like children who must be shown what it is they are doing, I think it is demeaning and I have never been a big feminist in the past, but these last few months have been turning me into one.
Apparently there are already laws where you have to have ultrasounds to determine the age of the fetus for both legal and health reasons. There is no logical need for new laws other than the pro life crowd trying to insert their will into women's lives and causing women to have to be public about abortions.