I am glad to gear you are respecting your girlfriend. You definitely should not try to force your girl to have sex. One day she will be ready and it will be wonderful. Personally, I think it takes about 3 times before it really starts to feel good. It takes time to get to know each other's bodies. In the mean time, I'm not sure why you say you can not or do not masturbate. Have you ever masturbated by yourself with ejaculation? Also, what are "NIGHT FALLS"? Do you mean "nocturnal emissions" (wet dreams)?
To answer your other question, your lack of sexual release at this time will not affect your future sex life. It will not affect your ability to have children. There is no permanent damage from not having sex or not masturbating. You will just experience some tension or frustration temporarily.
Most men choose to masturbate if they are are not having enough sex to satisfy their desires, but some do not. There is nothing wrong with not masturbating or not having sex (regardless of what you might read on the Web).
For those who don't masturbate, the body will naturally release the sperm while you are sleeping. If you have not noticed this, it might be because it has dried up before you wake up.