Oh, interesting about ear infections! While I still don't know why I became deaf, what seems somewhat plausible is too many ototoxic antibiotics, because I had a zillion ear infections when I was a kid. In other words, dunno about the ototoxic antibiotics --> deafness part, but DEFINITELY had a zillion ear infections.
Interestingly, (ooh, I bet there's a study on the brain and audiological-to-visual brain activity here), what bothers me horribly now, depending on mood, is
movement. In college, if I was sitting at a lecture and trying to lipread the professor (or, later, watch the interpreter), and some idiot was joggling his foot, or chewing gum, or twisting her hair in my sight line, it would make me insane. Like, having to walk out of the room and take several deep breaths insane. Definitely the nails thing if I felt for some reason I couldn't leave the room. I even passed notes to people to get them to quit -- I explained it in terms of, it is the equivalent to someone ringing a bell over and over. People were usually nice about it. The deaf thing helped.
There was a person at the co-op I used to live in who would repeatedly stroke his beard (overandoverandoverand...) during house meetings, and I came close to murdering him several times.
Hmm, maybe not so much on the grown out of it.
Oh, BUT -- this changed enormously as I became more fluent in ASL, and communication became less frustrating. All of the most infuriating incidents I can think of are when I was deeply frustrated. Now, when I go to all-deaf committee meetings, for example, where the communication is in ASL and I know someone will properly get my attention if I am not looking, a joggling leg bothers me far less.
With sozlet, I just ackowledge it. If she covers her ears and says "you're chewing too loud!", I say "am I? Sorry." and chew more carefully. So far it hasn't gone beyond that, isn't much of an issue. And what I remember clearly from my childhood is how furious I would get with my parents for denying that the socks, the music, the chewing had any validity. (E.G. has since confirmed that they are loud eaters!) (Oh but wait, if he has it too... :-?) (But compared to other people!)
Visual component to that, too, just realized. Can't stand to watch him drink coffee or eat cereal. If we're eating at the same time, fine. If not, eek.
So I
am just a bundle of sensory defensiveness, if I think about it, which I usually don't. Interesting!