Well, somewhat on a whim, I asked her over Facebook. Just thought I’d return here and post her response:
“…….wait, are you serious?
This is really really nice. Thank you thank you!! I can’t believe you asked me!!
ugh, I sound 12 years old right now. Sorry, he he he.
*straightens shirt and regains serious face*
Knowing you, you probably planned the transportation and such a week ago. I can assume that, correct? Additionally, I shall thank you with freshly-baked tiramisu and possibly nerd sex

The competition is designed to be the much-anticipated spectator event for a technology museum; people come from around the world to watch every year. Since she already had expressed that she would be interested in watching it, I decided to arrange to pick her up and spend the day at the competition, then go to the prom afterwards.
Thank you to all who have posted.