Ehbeth: have I missed something ? Is that a closeup of a tattoo?
hmmmm, errrrr, well actually, JoeNation, it's a bit of a distant view of part of one of my tats.
Sounds like the fox guarding the chicken coop. Eighteen months from now we will find it empty.
ehBeth has it, I think. Though polls in England show that the public overwhelmingly consider Hutton's report a whitewash, it allows Blair, Straw and the others to continue the strategy of plausible denial. Note that the quote below is word for word the same as repeated statements the Bush administration officials hide behind. Neither administration can afford (they clearly believe) to have the other back off from what has pretty transparently been a co-operative propaganda strategy.
Quote:In London, Prime Minister Tony Blair's office was "aware" of the U.S. position, a spokesman said, speaking on customary condition of anonymity.
Regarding the possibility of a similar independent inquiry in Britain, he restated the government's position that "the Iraq Survey Group needs to continue its work."
Trust me sezs Georgie porgy as he selects the members of the investigating commission.
Just out of curiosity, who should be responsible for appointing the commission?
Set it up like a congressional committee--an odd number of person, one more Republican than the number of Democrats, the Republican chair not to vote unless a tie-breaker is needed. If Bush wants real credibility for such a committee, and isn't just pulling an election year stunt, he should assure that the White House has no part in appointing the commission.
A bipartisan committee of senators. Certainly not the individual whose main concern is a cover-up. An individual who had to be forced to sanction the inquiry.
I agree. But, before we get overly excited about the issue, let's wait and see who gets appointed for what.
I find your use of the pronoun we to be unacceptable--whether or not you are overexcited, i could not, of course, say. This issue does not excite me, let alone overexcite me.
I would never think to include you, Setanta. I know you are above this sort of excitability. It takes much more to get you riled up.
Yeah, stuff like theft in office, lying in the State of the Union address, robbing the working and middle classes to benefit yer rich buddies . . . this sort of political sham is small potatoes . . .
I'm ur tone there set....
Calm down Set! Geez! Don't go gettin' yer dander up now!
actually, i never even break a sweat in the most "heated" exchanges here . . . and believe me, i consider this one a yawner . . . i was just danglin' the bait, hopin' fer a rise . . .
Congress has the power to censure the President--to formally reprimand him for betraying the nation's trust. If ever there was a time for this, it's now. Join our call on Congress to censure President Bush at:
Quote:Congress has the power to censure the President--to formally reprimand him for betraying the nation's trust. If ever there was a time for this, it's now. Join our call on Congress to censure President Bush at:
Do you really think Congress that is presently controlled by republicans are going to censor the President for anything? I mean he has been getting away with everything starting with rigging the presidency in the first place and then having secret meetings with the energy companies, the CIA leak; I mean the list goes on and on and for a little while much is made then it just fades away.
McCain to head Commission?
That would truely be a FARCE.