@Frank Apisa,
Quote:Government has a place in modern life...a HUGE place. Both sides of the aisle have to recognize that.......
Good theory, but you'd never know it from the recent history of the United States. A big part of the problem is the transformation of the democrat party from the party of FDR which built infrastructure to the party of Bork Obunga which tears infrastructure down for the sake of snails and fish and which sees your "huge place in modern life" as ladling benefits out to financial backers and kept voting blocks. That does not increase the wealth of nations. In fact using the US military and the threat of it for the benefit of George Soros (Libya) and RIAA/MPAA (Megaupload/MegaBox) amounts to international gangsterism which is precisely the term which FDR used to use for Hitler and the other leaders of the axis.
A man from mars looking at the United States today would have to assume that government was inherently evil and that clearly the less we had of it, the better off we'd be, and he'd have to like the pubbie vision of limited government for that reason alone.
Likewise in the case of education which involves one of the two or three most major pillars of financial support for the dem party (NEA), John Gato, a decorated former teacher of the year from NY City and a recognized expert on education has basically said that our public schools are at a point at which many if not most children would be better off being raised in the jungle by chimpanzees like Tarzan.
I mean I have to like FDR and his ideas about building things like the Hoover dam or the TVA which industry had no interest in at the time and I'd assume that FDR were he in the whitehouse today would have designs on a massive space program mainly focused on Mars and on a couple of other projects of similar scope. But those would be his second agenda item. His first agenda item would be rounding up all of the green fools and culture warriors and putting them in cages.