Quote: I find the atheists I have known tend to be kinder and more in tune with what is important than the Christians I know.
I do think Christians have a tendency to get a little tunnel vision sometimes. We seem to be constantly on the defensive. What I have learned especially since being involved in A2K - is that it's not necessary. I don't have to defend what I believe. It is what it is. If I hear something you have to say and it throws my belief system into a downward spiral then it really wasn't much of a belief for me in the first place.
The fact is - people are going to believe what they are going to believe. There is no need to beat the hell out of each other to prove that we are right. Either we are, or we are not. If we examine ourselves thoroughly and at the end of the day we are at peace with what we understand to be true. Then I say let it be. What a tremendous blessing. If we are not at peace - then we keep seeking.
I don't see a need to run away from other philosophies. I don't see the need to pound my point home. I guard my heart carefully by constantly reading and seeking what I believe. I think we should all do that.
The basis of my faith is love. I love God. I love my family. I love others. The very best that I can. If I have accomplished that at the end of the day - then I am a happy person. [edit: My beliefs are very Christian though. Based on New Testament standards - it is not some conglomeration of different things - I don't want to misrepresent myself

Turning back to Tebow...I see that in him. And I reiterate that I love that about him.