Thu 29 Dec, 2011 12:29 am
I'm a freshman and he's a senior in highschool. New Years Eve is approaching, and my friend and I and him want to go to this party. But since I'm young, my parents are very concerned of where I'll be, so our party plans aren't really working. So I started to think, they have fireworks on New Years, and it would be really cute if my boyfriend and I went up this mountain in his trucks and watched them from up there together. My parents trust him, and it would be really romantic and fun. But he isn't tied down with his parents and he can drive, so he probably wants to go partying since it's his last year in highschool. Should I just keep my mouth shut? Or should I mention it and see what he says? I just don't want him to feel obligated to give up his partying to just be with me, or I could be wrong and he'd rather do that. I just don't know. What should I do? Thanks!
Whatever you decide, please don't allow him to drink and drive if he's been partying. If he makes the wrong choice, please make the right choice for yourself and don't get in the car with him. Call a parent to come pick you up.
Four friends in my high school lost their lives due to their drinking and driving after partying. That sucks a whole lot more than missing a night of partying.
I'm very sorry about that.

And he doesn't drink and is very responsible, and I wouldn't let him even if he decided to drink that night.
Boy - am I showing my age. When I was in 9th grade, I was babysitting on New Years, since that was an adult celebration.
PUNKEY wrote:
Boy - am I showing my age. When I was in 9th grade, I was babysitting on New Years, since that was an adult celebration.
yup. that was always one of the best money-making nights for a babysitter. I couldn't have gone to university without those big $ nights.
oops - about the original question. If he's your boyfriend, you should have no fear of asking him to do what you'd like. It's something you should be able to discuss.
Quote:If he's your boyfriend, you should have no fear of asking him to do what you'd like. It's something you should be able to discuss.
Joe(Yup. Yup. Oh. yup)Nation
No it's not. As long as he loves what he's doing then its not.
Well should I invite my friend and her boyfriend too? Or just keep it us?
Talk to your boyfriend about it.