What to eat to prevent vomiting?

Reply Thu 29 Dec, 2011 06:17 pm
thanks maybe it is just something simple like that.
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Reply Thu 29 Dec, 2011 06:18 pm
OK - it could be - because we had a heat issue too before - but this is different this is just odd - it happens only in the morning games - and after she throws up - she is fine.
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Reply Thu 29 Dec, 2011 06:19 pm
That's a great idea -I think that would help - the sleep thing may be the key - although tough as she can be a difficult sleeper too - and one of her favorite things is sleeping late.
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Reply Thu 29 Dec, 2011 06:22 pm
No, thanks. I do appreciate the heads up. Fortunately my daughter's doctor is not one that is prone to give medication as a solution. When my daughter was having sleep issues, she sent us to a child psychologist rather than even suggest any medications. Best thing we did for her (at least sleep wise).
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Reply Thu 29 Dec, 2011 08:52 pm
I may look into the Frog Toggs if I remember this summer. I have a couple of neck things with crystals that swell up when you dip them in water. They really do evaporate and cool the neck - somewhat.

For winter wear, it's Turtle Fur all the way. They say it's harvested from young turtles before they leave the nest. I think I recall someone around here expressing doubts about the origin.
Reply Thu 29 Dec, 2011 09:12 pm
We have those too Roger. I think they work great as well. The great thing about the frogg toggs is they feel dry to the touch. I have one for myself. When I drape it over my head - it feels like air conditioning...for a bit anyway. Wonderful.

When you are having a baseball game just about everyday for a month in June and July - you invest in whatever you can to bear the Birmingham heat. It can be miserable. But I am sure you know all about hot weather eh?
Reply Thu 29 Dec, 2011 10:35 pm
We're wimps when it comes to hot weather. In '91 I traveled to Tulsa for son's high school graduation. Farmington had been running to around 96 degrees for the days' high, with twenty something humidity. By the time I got to Tallaqua, OK, it was 105 with 98 percent humidity. We're spoiled, but if you think of it come summer, send me a memo. I'm always ready to spoil myself.
Reply Thu 29 Dec, 2011 10:42 pm
Very Happy Will do.
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Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2011 12:07 am

I 've heard that bread will settle your stomach; stablize it.
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Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2011 01:53 pm
She is vomiting because she is eating before the game, that is, before exerting herself physically, the wrong thing to do. Animals sleep after eating and don't run around. If there is physical activity after eating the body assumes it is in danger and prepares for flight or fight. The blood rushes to the limbs and evacuates the less vital areas of the body, such as the stomach, so digestion stops until the stress--danger--is over. This is the reason that 24 hours--at least--prior to an operation the patient is advised to fast. And that may not be enough if the patient is especially nervous--and under stress. The food may sit in the stomach undigested for 24 hours if the patient feels stressful prior to the operation.

So, by all means stop feeding your daughter 3 to 4 hours prior to the game and see what happens.
Reply Sat 31 Dec, 2011 12:31 pm
Well if she has an 8am game - should we not feed her? She actually said she would prefer not to eat anything. But would that be good for her? We are lucky to get her up to play an 8am game forget about getting her up 3 or 4 hours earlier!
Reply Sat 31 Dec, 2011 12:37 pm

Here are some guidelines on what to eat and when:

Eat a meal 2 to 4 hours before the game or event: Choose a protein and carbohydrate meal (like a turkey or chicken sandwich, cereal and milk, chicken noodle soup and yogurt, or pasta with tomato sauce).

Eat a snack less than 2 hours before the game: If you haven't had time to have a pre-game meal, be sure to have a light snack such as low-fiber fruits or vegetables (like plums, melons, cherries, carrots), crackers, a bagel, or low-fat yogurt.

Consider not eating anything for the hour before you compete or have practice because digestion requires energy — energy that you want to use to win. Also, eating too soon before any kind of activity can leave food in the stomach, making you feel full, bloated, crampy, and sick.

Everyone is different, so get to know what works best for you. You may want to experiment with meal timing and how much to eat on practice days so that you're better prepared for game day.
Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2012 09:45 am
Thanks - we use the "snack" thing for her early morning games - usually some fruit. We have tried an egg - but I think that did cause her to vomit. Well the Dr. appointment is tomorrow so we will get her feedback. If she says not eating in the morning is ok - I may try that route.
Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2012 10:54 am
Wondering about a protein shake..
I don't know anything about those.
Or a smoothie.
Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2012 02:13 pm
Yeah - those both have potential.
Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2012 02:16 pm
Protein is usually only recommended if the athlete can eat/drink it more than 2 hours before the activity.
Reply Tue 3 Jan, 2012 06:45 pm
The doctor actually suggested protein - she said a good protein drink or ensure or something of that nature if she doesn't want to eat anything - she did mention it was very important for her to eat though.
Reply Tue 3 Jan, 2012 07:00 pm
Really? I would have suggested the proteins for after the game, though this doesn't address your specific question/problem.

Where's Slappy when we need him?
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Reply Tue 3 Jan, 2012 08:16 pm
I don't suppose there's anything you can do about the timing of the games in the first place? That's super awkward timing.

Lacking that, is waking up at like 6 a possibility?

Meanwhile, mismi, the Frogg Toggs thingie just arrived! It's very cool. I didn't send it in with sozlet to practice tonight because it was just practice, but she came out into the 12-degree weather in shirtsleeves, face bright red, talking about how nice and cool it was outside and wanting to open the car window on the way home. (Turned out practice was mostly scrimmaging and she played hard.) So I broke it out for an inaugural run when she got home, she LOVES it. Thanks for the recommendation.

My question -- what do you do with it between uses? Keeping it in a watertight container doesn't seem like a good idea (like a ziplocked plastic baggie), but if I just have it out for a while will it get TOO dry? (It arrived already a bit damp in an airtight plastic bag.)
Reply Wed 4 Jan, 2012 08:01 am
Not at all - unfortunately when they play tournament games - the organizer of the tournament sets the schedules. Even the particular teams/coaches have no say.

The one thing is - she is usually up at least 2 hours prior to actual game time. Seeing they are supposed to arrive to the tournament a half hour prior to the start of their game and most tournaments are at least a half hour drive, she is up and having something to eat at the latest an hour and a half prior.

The doctor said it is very important to have vitamins and protein in the morning - it helps your body to have the energy it needs. She suggested eating an egg, fruits or similar - nothing greasy at all. And if she didn't want to eat something then a protein drink or similar that would have lots of vitamins and then immediately after the game to bring a snack like an apple to replenish her body.
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