When I was a teenager (this is going to be a long story with a goal

), we used to go to an annual Civic long weekend cottage party. It had a bit of a KaffeeKlatsch cooking competition built into it.
The hostess of the party always made waffles. When I was around 12 or 13, I was allowed to take over the actual baking of the waffles outside the cottage (lonnnnnnnng extension cord). Gisela continued to mix the batter inside and carry out bowls of it for me to use - we made literally hundreds of waffles.
Gisela's waffles were the best. Everyone wanted to know the secret of their wonderful lightness and crispiness. No one was allowed inside the cottage while she was mixing the batter.
Then I was about 25 and Gisela let me into the cottage during the mixing. The secret ingredient was kept under the sink, behind the bucket of baking soda.
Booze does something wonderful to waffle batter. I've often used brandy. My special Boxing Day waffles are made with liquefied bananas (really ripe bananas whizzed with the hand blender), Remy Red and crushed pecans. Served with fresh whipped cream and maple syup.
I suspect maple vodka would be a respectable substitute for the whiskey or Remy Red. Whipped cream and strawberries instead of maple syrup and you could have a new brunch special.