What is free will?

Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 17 Nov, 2013 06:13 am
neologist wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:
Eve was not immortal.

Eve was not perfect.
Are you saying that perfection implies immortality?

I'm saying that supposedly your GOD is perfect...and is immortal.

If immortality is a part of the GOD's perfection...why wouldn't it be a part of Eve's?

Your GOD also knew the difference between right and wrong...between good and evil. The GOD did not want Eve to know that difference, because it would make her like the gods.

The gods were perfect...and Eve was lacking some of their perfection.

So Eve was not perfect.

But I know you cannot deviate from that silliness that Eve was perfect. So I'll just accommodate you by discussing it with you.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 17 Nov, 2013 06:15 am
neologist wrote:

It is certainly understandable when men rebel against an imperfect human purpose. God's purpose does not fit into that category.

All you are doing here is brown-nosing your god. If the god falls for this nonsense, Neo, the god is not worth the brown-nosing.
Pasture Timmy
Reply Sun 17 Nov, 2013 08:53 am
neologist wrote:
Satan was perfect
He was created by a perfect God
He chose to rebel
As did Eve
And Adam
And God's first human creations went so horribly wrong that he drowned every man, woman and child on earth.

Are you seeing a pattern here, where the "perfect" creations of a "perfect" God result in monstrous outcomes?

Gods who don't create so good, shouldn't create so much, lol.
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Sun 17 Nov, 2013 10:36 am
The moral of the Adam/Eve story is clear enough to me-
1- Life will be perfect (like in Eden) if humans obey God.
2- Satan will try to make humans disobey God.
3- If they choose to listen to Satan life won't be perfect.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 17 Nov, 2013 10:45 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:

The moral of the Adam/Eve story is clear enough to me-
1- Life will be perfect (like in Eden) if humans obey God.
2- Satan will try to make humans disobey God.
3- If they choose to listen to Satan life won't be perfect.

Why didn't he give Adam and Eve the chance to make an informed and logical decision about obeying?

The god denied them the knowledge of right and wrong...good and evil. There was no way for them to know that "disobeying" was wrong.


So they disobeyed...which in their mind was ethically and morally equal to obeying.

The moral of the story is ambiguous...because whoever made it up screwed up big time.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Nov, 2013 10:54 am
@Frank Apisa,
I said understandable, not right.
Reply Sun 17 Nov, 2013 11:04 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
If immortality is a part of the GOD's perfection...why wouldn't it be a part of Eve's?
Why should it?
Eve's perfection allowed her the potential for everlasting life; but that's not the same thing. She lost her perfection when she disobeyed.

You presume Eve did not understand love and could not obey simply out of love for her creator. You presume Eve did not understand the meaning of death. Perhaps you have fallen into the delusional belief that the creative days were only 24 hours in length and Eve would not have had time to develop sensibility. But the seventh creative day has not yet ended. Eve could have been around for years. Adam certainly was. He had time to name the animals.
Reply Sun 17 Nov, 2013 11:13 am
@Pasture Timmy,
Do you suppose any who were destroyed in the flood might have deserved another chance? Tell me how John 5:28, 29 takes that chance away.

Read the flood account carefully. Whether you agree with the reasons or not, at least you will see them. It's obvious you have not read it yet.

And, don't ask me to do your research for you.
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Sun 17 Nov, 2013 11:38 am
Frank Apisa said:- "Let me repeat that: THERE WAS NO WAY FOR THEM TO KNOW THAT "DISOBEYING" WAS WRONG!
So they disobeyed...which in their mind was ethically and morally equal to obeying.."

But God had TOLD them it was wrong, therefore they KNEW it was wrong to munch the fruit..Smile
For example my landlord told me to stop feeding the pigeons on my windowsill, but i couldn't see any harm in it myself.
Then he explained that their droppings could block the guttering and drainpipes and i had to admit he had a point.
Perhaps if God had explained to Adam/Eve why he didn't want them to eat the fruit, they'd have said "Okay, we see your point, we won't touch it".
I suppose God doesn't do "explain", and prefers instead to just tell us what we can or can't do and leave it to our free will to decide whether to obey him, call it a test..Wink
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 17 Nov, 2013 11:45 am
neologist wrote:

I said understandable, not right.

Grasping at straws here, Neo.

So you said "understandable.

How does that impact on what I said?

(Hint: It doesn't!) Wink
Reply Sun 17 Nov, 2013 11:49 am
@Frank Apisa,
Yeeks! I was simply responding to Fil's remark, not making a theological pronouncement.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 17 Nov, 2013 11:57 am
neologist wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:
If immortality is a part of the GOD's perfection...why wouldn't it be a part of Eve's?
Why should it?
Eve's perfection allowed her the potential for everlasting life; but that's not the same thing. She lost her perfection when she disobeyed.

Great try, Neo...but no cigar.

She never had perfection. Lot of defects really. You could see them if your fear of your god didn't cause you to blind yourself to them.

Open the eyes, Neo.

You presume Eve did not understand love and could not obey simply out of love for her creator. You presume Eve did not understand the meaning of death.

I don't presume anything here, Neo. To me it is almost certainly a myth...and a very imperfect one at that. But the story tells us that she did NOT know right from wrong...good from evil.

There's really no getting away from that.

Perhaps you have fallen into the delusional belief that the creative days were only 24 hours in length and Eve would not have had time to develop sensibility. But the seventh creative day has not yet ended. Eve could have been around for years. Adam certainly was. He had time to name the animals.

The whole "day" thing does not interest me at all. Let the "day" be ten billion of current years. Who cares.


Focus on that.

Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 17 Nov, 2013 11:58 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:

Frank Apisa said:- "Let me repeat that: THERE WAS NO WAY FOR THEM TO KNOW THAT "DISOBEYING" WAS WRONG!
So they disobeyed...which in their mind was ethically and morally equal to obeying.."

But God had TOLD them it was wrong, therefore they KNEW it was wrong to munch the fruit..Smile
For example my landlord told me to stop feeding the pigeons on my windowsill, but i couldn't see any harm in it myself.
Then he explained that their droppings could block the guttering and drainpipes and i had to admit he had a point.
Perhaps if God had explained to Adam/Eve why he didn't want them to eat the fruit, they'd have said "Okay, we see your point, we won't touch it".
I suppose God doesn't do "explain", and prefers instead to just tell us what we can or can't do and leave it to our free will to decide whether to obey him, call it a test..Wink

The god purposefully refused to give them the knowledge of good and evil...of right and wrong.

That is the point of the story.

Boy...I sure don't envy you people who have to defend this one, because it is a lulu. Wink
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Nov, 2013 12:12 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank wrote:
The god purposefully refused to give them the knowledge of good and evil...of right and wrong.

That is the point of the story.
Like a broken record, you continue to sidestep the obvious: that perfect humans would have been instilled with a perfectly operating conscience, obeying God out of love for Him. They would have to act deliberately to ignore their conscience.

Of course, the logical extension of such is license to determine what is good and what is bad. This was promised to Adam and Eve. How did it work out for them?
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Sun 17 Nov, 2013 01:25 pm
Frank Apisa said: "The god purposefully refused to give them the knowledge of good and evil...of right and wrong. That is the point of the story.
Boy...I sure don't envy you people who have to defend this one, because it is a lulu"

We holy men LURV lulus..Smile
Mate, if somebody signed up for golf lessons with you, you'd tell him "stand like this, swing like this". But if he kept saying "But WHY should I stand like that, and WHY should I swing like that?", you'd say "Mister, just shut yer trap and TRUST ME and just DO it, I'm not going to waste my time with lengthy explanations of postures, centre of gravity, and the mathematics of trajectories and ballistics!"
Same in Eden, God said "TRUST ME, your asses will be well and truly busted if you have that fruit".
Likewise, bomber pilots are assigned a target and just get on with the job without saying "WHY?", because they TRUST high command's orders..Wink

Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 17 Nov, 2013 01:37 pm
neologist wrote:

Frank wrote:
The god purposefully refused to give them the knowledge of good and evil...of right and wrong.

That is the point of the story.
Like a broken record, you continue to sidestep the obvious: that perfect humans would have been instilled with a perfectly operating conscience, obeying God out of love for Him. They would have to act deliberately to ignore their conscience.

Of course, the logical extension of such is license to determine what is good and what is bad. This was promised to Adam and Eve. How did it work out for them?

You continue to sidestep the very obvious point of the story...that Adam and Eve DID NOT KNOW the difference between good and evil...between right and wrong. You want to assert that the story has them as "perfect beings" with a conscience and with great love for the god who was about to screw them...but the fact is that THE STORY itself tells us that they did not know the difference between right and wrong until after they ate the fruit.

How frightened of this god do you have to be to twist logic the way you are doing, Neo?
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 17 Nov, 2013 01:39 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:

Frank Apisa said: "The god purposefully refused to give them the knowledge of good and evil...of right and wrong. That is the point of the story.
Boy...I sure don't envy you people who have to defend this one, because it is a lulu"

We holy men LURV lulus..Smile
Mate, if somebody signed up for golf lessons with you, you'd tell him "stand like this, swing like this". But if he kept saying "But WHY should I stand like that, and WHY should I swing like that?", you'd say "Mister, just shut yer trap and TRUST ME and just DO it, I'm not going to waste my time with lengthy explanations of postures, centre of gravity, and the mathematics of trajectories and ballistics!"
Same in Eden, God said "TRUST ME, your asses will be well and truly busted if you have that fruit".
Likewise, bomber pilots are assigned a target and just get on with the job without saying "WHY?", because they TRUST high command's orders..Wink


As I said...the story tells us that the god refused to give them the knowledge of the difference between right and wrong...between good and evil...

...and then punished them for doing wrong!

The story is farce.
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Sun 17 Nov, 2013 01:51 pm
As a --ahem-- wargame champion under the fighting name of Poor Old Spike, i often take green newcomers under my wing.
But if they keep questioning my advice and instructions during combat they soon get themselves killed because I haven't the time or inclination to explain myself in the heat of battle, I'm a COMMANDER, not a wet nurse..Smile
But those who follow me implicitly gain experience and live to fight another day, and as i watch them race up the wargame league tables I think to myself- "That's my boy, you're a soldier now"..Smile

Cue testimonial feedback-
Geordie-"As a player POS is top notch and his file return rate is amongst the best I have encountered..his tactics work"
RocketMan- "POS is great guy to learn tank tactics from with unsurpassed file return times (it is like he is an AI or something with him returning files any time of the night or day).."
MrBadExample- "POS is excellent player, good guy and gets turns out quickly! Highly reccomended .."
Enigma- "POS is great tactician, superb return rate and some really wonderful comments with them too. Well worth playing! Also a great teacher in helping you improve your own gameplay and a really good playtester.."
Fredrock- "POS is interesting Tactician, good player, really great Banter,got to give him a try.."
British Tommy- "POS is a very good tactical player, well worth playing against.."
Von Schwendemann- "POS is excellent player with an outstanding return rate. If you haven't played him you are missing out. Have fun.."
Neubaufahrzeug- "Played twice in mirror mode against POS and he is a fair, competent and fast player. CM is living with such guys - let´s go on.."
Koen- "POS I must admit that you're crazy and something's totally wrong with you but you're honest and straight to the point.."
Mad Russian- "To give POS his due, he does good CM support..Every single time POS and I have played each other he is a grand opponent. His return rate is better than ANYBODY's!!!"
Hirr Leto- "POS is a good commander, and does what he does well"
Lord Bane quote- "I have been playing the game for many years but have learned quite a bit about the game by reading your fantastic tactical posts."
The Coil- "POS is great when you want to understand the mechanics of the game"
Wardog- "POS you are a tough little ****** to play against"
Gunter Severloh- "Spike is the best of us I would think for screenshots"

Any Armed Assault players at A2K? Rally on me! (below)

Some of my boys-

0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Nov, 2013 02:36 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
How frightened of this god do you have to be to twist logic the way you are doing, Neo?
I don't know why you continue to use the word "frightened". For if we both are wrong, in a few years we will be dead; and that will be the end of it. No roasting, toasting, broiling or boiling.
And, not a huge obligation is thrust upon us. As John wrote: For this is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome. (1 John 5:3)
Reply Sun 17 Nov, 2013 02:51 pm
Free will is the exercise of the will to do what it wants.

The only problem is that it has been made to want what it wants by some cute nifty shifters.
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