Good morning, all.
Arthur, I'm sorry if I startled you. We occasionally have fun around here to keep our minds off the ever increasing tensions that dominate the world. Don't be mislead by Bi-Polar's innocent face.
Etymology of brat: from old English bratt--"cloak"--of celtic origin.
Twerp--late 19th century--origin unknown.
As do I, Phoenix. I spent the better part of an hour searching for the etymology of "pulling one's leg". You would be amazed at what I found.
And when I lapsed into Poe last night, another serendipity:
On this day in history, Poe's "Raven" was first published.
Letty wrote:.....I spent the better part of an hour searching for the etymology of "pulling one's leg". You would be amazed at what I found.
Go on, amaze us !! But pls keep my delicate sensibilities in mind
Of course. Your delicate sense and sensibilities...
Well, here's a clue:
All British expressions, not one of which is presentable here.
I am a model of civility and've got one hell of a lot of nerve.........
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:I am a model of civility and've got one hell of a lot of nerve.........
Yeah right. And I am the queen of England
Hee Hee! Don't get the 'ump, now, Mr. Bear. Don't get your knickers in a twist.
Gautam, that's just a couple of phrases that are civil.
Gautam wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:I am a model of civility and've got one hell of a lot of nerve.........
Yeah right. And I am the queen of England
Well, that's the word on the street anyway.. :wink:
Arthur, do you see how they accuse me? How they tarnish my name and reputation without cease?
I am tired, tired I tell you of these false accusations against my moral fibre and ethical character.
Yes, yes, Arthur. Actually, Bi is not a brat, he's a preacher:
Some folks say that Bi was a Baptist,
Others say he was a Jew,
But the holy Bible tells us,
That he was a preacher, too.
You gotta walk that lonesome valley,
You gotta go there by yourself,
Ain't no one here gonna go there with you,
You gotta go there by yourself.
Wow, that is one hard-cuttin' song..
Hey, Mr. Clean Husker.
That one's for you, too.
You mean there are people here that newbies should be warned about.
I'da never thunk it.
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
Well, that's the word on the street anyway.. :wink:
U been "walking the street" again Bear ? Is that why squinney was beating the crap out of you ??
This is the second reference to squinney beating me.......that would never happen.....even if I am walking the long as I bring home the cash.. :wink:
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:This is the second reference to squinney beating me.......that would never happen.....even if I am walking the long as I bring home the cash.. :wink:
On the off-shoot chance that you do not know about this thread -- I think you ought to visit. Things will soon clear up for you. And be sure to start at page one.
My word, How could I have forgotten Frankthebulldogbrat.
Oh, well. This thread wasn't going anywhere, anyway.
dlowan wrote:I'd go with the "or something" - as a best case scenario...
Did I mention Margothecatbrat? Nah, that was cat fur to make kitten britches...