Wed 28 Jan, 2004 12:44 pm
There is a Brat Brigade lurking about in the various corners of this site:
Slappy somebody.
Anybody want to add to the list?
Hey, Phoenix. Feel free to add your name to that list..
Gus will be crushed if you don't credit him properly!
Add his name, too, OCCOM...hmmmm. Looking at your avatar...maybe...
You took all mine Letty, but you forgot to add me to that bunch ;-)
and Montana is running fourth....
Anybody for BrandX?
Hey, onyx, you be a pretty neat brat.
I want to be a brat!!!!
Lucky SOME of us have the grace, wisdom, calm equanimity and complete self-ignorance of age.....
And - LETTY is a brat!
For those of you that are hostile, perverse, frustrated, disenchanted, or disilusioned, a2k is offered as a purgative for pique, a cathartic celebration. The hopelessly optimistic, the incorrigibly romantic, and anyone who holds anything sacred are advised to proceed with caution regarding the contained pages. So beware and forewarned, and have a nice day.
A friend and fellow traveler--commmonly refered to as Dys...Love ya, mean it. The one thing your friends will never forgive you is your happiness, they are but chopped liver to the ever topical A2K.
I've barely made it out of my egg and already reached exclutivity in A2K bratdom......Yikes!
brand x surrounded by the good eggs of a2k
Is there such a thing as Wacky Wabbits, Bumptious Bunnies? YES, our very own dlowan is a BRAT.
littlek wrote:Out of what egg?
When you're a newbie you're ' Just hatched'.
Some moderator around here is a brat cuz they keep moving my ##%$^^@@ threads.