Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines
If the court makes a determination that either or both parties is earning substantially less than he or she could through reasonable effort, the court may consider potential earning capacity rather than actual earnings. In making this determination, the court shall take into consideration the education, training, and past employment history of the party. These standards are intended to be applied where a finding has been made that the party is capable of working and is unemployed, working part-time or is working a job, trade, or profession other than that for which he/she has been trained.
Curious--if he was fired, how does he qualify for unemployment compensation? Generally, unemployment compensation is available only to those who find themselves unemployed due to no fault of their own. Talk to your attorney about issuing a subpoena duces tecum to the state unemployment agency to obtain copies of his application for unemployment benefits and other related documentation. Perhaps you will get lucky and find some very useful information . . . he is most likely required to state the reasons why he is no longer employed with the company where he worked for years.
click on eligibility link and scroll through the guidelines:
A claimant who voluntarily takes a leave of absence for his own benefit and purposes, with an assurance of reinstatement at the end of the leave, is not available for work within the meaning of the Unemployment Compensation Law [and not eligible for benefits].
You appear to be suspicious about the circumstances surrounding your ex-husband's sudden unemployment (after many years at the same job) exactly two days after he is served support modification papers. IF your ex-husband and his friendly employer cooked up an unemployment scam to assist your ex to appear
involuntarily unemployed for the purposes of the child support action and to allow your ex to draw unemployment compensation until the cs action is settled with the idea that he would return to work after this arranged "leave of absence," they could be in trouble for fraud....
Get a copy of your ex's application for unemployment compensation! It could be revealing....