nadda2lose wrote:Noddy,
If the father patitions me to court and asks for visitation can I ask them to drug test him and if so do you know when they would do it? Also will the fact that he didnt want anything to do with the child come into play (like wanting an abortion and saying he is going to sign over his rights) I hope you have some answers...
If your attorney (you have one don't you?) is able to articulate a basis for requesting a drug test, and it sounds as if you can due to the fact of his constantly being impaired, the court might order one forthwith on both you and him. In my district, they do it right then and there in the courthouse.
If he requests it, the court is likely to support a plan for reintegration of the father with child. The court is going to do what is in the best interests of the child, and in most cases a relationship with the father is very much in the best interests of the child. Supervised visitation might be an appropriate option for the long or short term given his lack of relationship and drug/alcohol use. Visitation might be short at first, and then get longer over time. The fact that he wanted the abortion will probably not be held against him.
I see I'm echoing Noddy's responses. :wink: