sozobe wrote:No, he hasn't.
Oh please! Yes he
has and it drives me insane that he merely made being a warmonger cool again to liberals. Suddenly Gitmo isn't important anymore, and torture is not a pressing issue, and it suddenly doesn't matter that people are being killed in your name anymore.
escalated the war in Afghanistan, and
increased the volume of killings. Why do you give him a pass on all this? Was Gitmo and torture only important to you before he became president? Is it ok now?
Name a
single thing Obama did that broke towards the dove side of things. Just
one decision where he didn't do what the hawks wanted. There isn't
anything, he's fallen in with the hawks on
every single military decision. The closest he came to was temporarily pushing back against the hawks (Hillary and France/UK, not the military) on Libya but he went along with that in the end anyway and lied his way to getting that war sold.
Quote:The Iraq war is in its final stages.
No thanks to Obama. We are leaving the last possible day we could on a timeline Bush signed. What are you giving Obama credit for here? He kept us there till the very last minute he could and is trying to negotiate an extension. Exactly what is he doing differently from Bush here?
Quote:Afghanistan is a mess, of course, but the effort has been towards getting out.
escalated the assassinations. What exactly are you giving him credit for? He made the decision for America to start killing more people, and the hatred of the US in Pakistan has spiked since he took office. Name just one thing he did in any way that is the slightest bit anti-war here.
Why are you saying he's not continuing these wars when he is not only doing so but escalating them?
Quote:Libya is the only one of those that he instigated, and that was relatively quick and relatively effective.
1) Just because he didn't instigate the war in Afghanistan does not mean he is not responsible for deciding to kill more Afghans in our name.
2) Just because a war is effectively prosecuted does not make it moral. He lied to America, the UN and the world to sell this war (as a "no fly zone"). This undermined (to a much lesser degree than Bush) the UN and people are dying today in Syria, because China and Russia feel like idiots for allowing that resolution that NATO promptly took as a license for regime change yet again.
When Bush was lying his way to sell wars liberals called him out for it, and liberals should not give Obama a pass for his prevarications about this war.
Quote:The Nobel Peace Prize was stupid, I'm more annoyed at the committee than Obama about that though.
Of course. They made the entire prize worthless for decades now. But Obama is certainly to blame for being the warmonger that makes the prize inappropriate even if he's not to blame for having received it.
Quote:As far as I can tell they were trying to impact world affairs by guilting him into a certain course of action.
Too bad it didn't work. Obama came into office and America started killing more people. I, for one, do not want America killing more people and thusly hold Obama in low esteem for deciding that our country should kill
more, not
less, people than it had been.
It deserves to be said: Obama is yet another American chicken-hawk.