Sun 13 Oct, 2002 07:56 pm
I live in Brazil now and miss my home country "The Motherland" though this expression is not usually used about Canada I'm reading alot of novels about Russia right now. Any Canadians or people who have been to or simply like the idea of Canada please post here.
canajun checking
hey DanE - i live here, thanks to my parents great wisdom in travelling here in time for my birth.
you miss ...
weather? people? food? autumn? people? the great bright northern sky?
I can't claim to
be a Canadian but I recently visited Toronto and had an absolute blast. And not just because the exchange rate is so
the thing I missed
the most is weather, autumn and winter, but the people as well as the distance between them comes a close second and traffic
the third
by the way ehBeth I didn't get your last question the first time I saw it because I didn't read the Post
subject: you miss...?
a tiny bit tiny
- you're right - the subject line is not as distinctive as it is on some other sites. I didn't realize this until I'd used
it a few times as a sort of 'teaser'.
BlaiseD - what parts of town did you visit? were you here to go to
shows/museums/clubs/sporting events/ ... ?
Well, I was fortunate to be there while Caribana was going on. Beyond that did a tour of The Danforth, cruised Spadina and St Lawrence mkt. It was rather a short trip but it definitely left me wanting to visit again.
BlaiseDaley wrote:Well, I was fortunate to be there while Caribana was going on. Beyond that did a tour of The Danforth, cruised Spadina and St Lawrence mkt. It was rather a short trip but it definitely left me wanting to visit again.
did you make it to Kensington Market?
did you make it to Kensington Market?
Dear God, how could I have forgotten Kinsington Market. Yes, ma'am, I did make it there and had a wonderful time.
ma'am, indeed
So glad you enjoyed Kensington.

I'll probably be meeting Abuzzer-shepaints in a cafe there sometime in the next week or so.
any more canajuns to unmask?
Howdy! I just joined this message board. I'm from the Vancouver area of British Columbia where currently we're drowning in rain!
I'm familiar with boards - this kind in particular - and I'm quite impressed with the variety of forums on it. I'm glad I found it.
I'll be in Burnaby soon...hope the rain stops
Welcome, reyn!
That's some scary weather you're having out there right now.
Yes, our weather has done a complete flip flop. From -15 Celsius wind chill factor, to 17 on the plus side today! From many centimeters of snow to totally disappearing in hours.
Unfortunately, there are many instances of flooded basements and yards. Also, a bad slide in our city of North Vancouver where 2 houses were flattened.
^ Agreed. There's been some really extreme weather in the lower mainland this entire month. Beautiful Bristish Columbia.... for the most part.
I live right in the heart of Vancouver, with my wife and 2 children. We've been living down town going on a year now, and are anxiously awaiting spring to relocate to West Vancouver.