Quote:I have been watching all of this .. Why so judgemental and negative? My observations are that you, and others, protest too much, not by intelligent debate: but, by your rude and judgemental remarks and personal attacks. Who do you think you are? Superior ! Seems questionable? This is not high school ... you should respect others rights to say and believe as they choose. The need to go as far as criticize especially in the manner you just says a lot of your character, which could be a sign of your own insecurities manifesting itself.... Just my observation, now I open myself up for ridicule. Bring it On !!! Bullies are laughable, at best.
Apparently, Destiny came here to see what my post was about,
"Big Bang or a Stretch of God's Imagination?"Instead, He ended up giving an opinion about personal observations, of how I have been treated since
I started the thread.
Setanta wrote:
Your pathetic attempts to be clever don't alter that you peddle bullshit, and that the History channel is a bullshit source. Yeah, go ahead, tell me what grammatical faults you allege to be in: "The History channel bears exactly the relationship to history that Christian Science does to actual science. They have whored themselves for the advertisers' dollars, with bullshit shows about Mayan predictions, Nostradamus, Dan Brown's bullshit--all they care about is the bottom line." The sentence structure is fine, and it's no problem of mine if you can't understand sentences containing more than a half a dozen words. The word you wanted was cronies--i don't believe cronny is a word in English.
What evidence do you have that Charles IX wanted to behead Michel de Nostradame? I didn't say that Europe had no place for its "mentally ill"--i said they had no institutions for the mentally ill. That they dealt with, probably ineffectively and with cruelty and neglect, is not evidence that they had "mental institutions."
What is a a croony? (I'm assuming that croony is the singular of croonies.) You just ran in here, and shat out a vague statement about prophets and how they have been treated historically, apparently thinking that you could say whatever you wanted and nobody would call you on it. You apparently thought you could make the **** up as you go along and nobody would call you on it. Actually, it appears to me that you wanted to sound cool and wise and little suspected that online, people will call bullshit in a heartbeat--unless, of course, you run off to some site peopled by high school kids who don't pay attention in class and who are sufficiently gullible to believe your bullshit.
And you turned it into this clusterfuck.
Quote:You are Still evading the real points ,, So, its evident that you know nothing either your willfully ignorant or lowly educated. I can reference my information. You obvious can not. Or, you would be able to stay on topic...I've wasted enough time with you and cruelties. I came to this thread just to point out a lack of tolerance and kindness for another thought. And, ,you have proved my point. I don't desire to be cool or fit in anywhere. Hell, I don't,even, desire to have last word... Peace Out
He was ready to end it here.
Quote:gee, it seems an awful lot like you desire a last word
It goes here.
Quote:He does seem obsessed, doesn't he?
Then here.
Quote:It seems that you're the one obsessed with getting the last word. Write lol about fifteen more times, show us your erudition.
Then to prove his point, you have to get in the last word.
Quote:This is the simple explanation taught by mainstream science concerning "particles" of energy.
That being said, can we go back to my original post, and have a science discussion, instead of a debate about God and me.
I tried to get my point on the tracks here.
10 pages in and no one has engaged in a conversation with me yet about my original subject, other than weather or not it is a theory or hypothesis, or how I am full of ****.

You didn't just derail my thread, you kicked it off at the start, and it hasn't been on since. What the hell's wrong with you people?