How deep did coverup go in Penn State child sex abuse case?

Fri 25 Nov, 2011 02:23 am
In my opinion, Paterno was treated unfairly.
He was guilty of NOT usurping decision-making powers of his bosses.
That is bugging me too...he was granted a lot of power by his bosses but legally they were the ones holding the bag here not him. Maybe Paterno twisted their arms, we dont know, but even if he did that does not change anything. Those with the authority can not let their underlings run rampant and then when they do something wrong claim that the underling is responsible. The AD decided to not call the cops, it was his call, if he gave up the call to Paterno he is no less responsible for the misdeed than he would have been if he decided to not call and order Paterno to not call either.

Paterno said that he did what he was supposed to do by way of the law and by way of the university. We have zero reason at this point to think that he is wrong about that.
Fri 25 Nov, 2011 02:31 am

Is it clear what Paterno was told ?

I 've heard it 2 different ways:

1. That Sandusky was seen showering with a young boy


2. That Sandusky was seen violently committing anal sodomy upon a young boy in the showering area.
Fri 25 Nov, 2011 02:39 am
The boy in the shower is one of eight who Sandusky is accused of having molested over a 15 year period. The grand jury report said that despite McQueary's eyewitness account, the university did not investigate and "never attempted to learn the identity of the child in the shower... No one from the university did."

Sandusky's lawyer, Joe Amendola, told ABC News that they believe they know the "victim."

"The kid is... now grown up, he's in his 20s. He's adamant that nothing sexual occurred," Amendola said.

The lawyer says he and Sandusky believe they are talking about the correct boy because Sandusky remembered being approached by school official Tim Curley a couple days after the shower.

"In fact, Jerry Sandusky gave Tim the name of the kid and said do you want to call him? He'll tell you nothing went on," Amendola said. Sandusky also told the boy that he might get a call asking about the shower, and the person remembers getting the call from Sandusky.

"This is why he believes very, very strongly he is the young man involved," Amendola said


I am ashamed to admit that I jumped onto the bandwagon of those who assumed that Sandusky was guilty of anything more than bad judgement. The more that comes out the less I think he sexually assaulted anyone. All we have right now are claims that he is a classic creeper which has been relabeled "child molester" , we have not a shred of evidence that he sexually violated anyone.
Fri 25 Nov, 2011 03:09 am
The allegations, ALLEGATIONS, of the indictment r very alarming,
purportedly from several different victims, claiming factual similarities
giving rise to a pattern of alleged misconduct.

This will be a very interesting trial.

On the face of it: things don't look good for Sandusky.
I suspect that he will end his days in prison.

Fri 25 Nov, 2011 03:23 am
The allegations, ALLEGATIONS, of the indictment r very alarming
I have not been paying close attention, but I have heard no allegations of sexual abuse yet, only claims from officials that there are such claims...

Jerry Sandusky already has been convicted by the media and the public of a series of atrocious sexual crimes against young boys committed over many years. He deserves no sympathy even if one-tenth of what is reported about him is true. He appears to be as bad a sexual predator as there is. We can already imagine how unpopular even the admittedly-provocative title of this piece might seem.

But why has he already been convicted? Is it because he has been formally charged? Probably not, since the Police Criminal Complaint (the Pennsylvania procedural counterpart of an indictment) by itself merely sketched out with very few details the allegations against him. Is it because he has publicly and on the record, so to speak, acknowledged being with children in a compromising setting? Probably not, even though his lawyer surprisingly allowed him to admit far too much in last week's TV interview, i.e., that he "horsed around" with a 10-year-old in a locker room shower.

Rather, Jerry Sandusky has been found guilty because the Attorney General of Pennsylvania has de facto violated his rights. To be sure, in such a horrible case, one is inclined to side with the prosecutor. It is hard to criticize a prosecutor who, after many years of what looks like a cover-up by Penn State officials, has finally been able through a painstaking investigation to acquire evidence and expose Sandusky's serial crimes. The truth, however, is that in issuing the ubiquitous Grand Jury Report (or "presentment"), which ostensibly was used merely to describe the grand jury's "findings" -- the Attorney General has inescapably proven in the public's mind Sandusky's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Can any trial jury selected to decide this case conceivably find Sandusky not guilty given what the public already has learned from the clearly incendiary Report which countless press websites incorrectly identify as the Sandusky Indictment?
.Defendants, even horrible ones such as Jerry Sandusky, deserve fair treatment from prosecutors. Just as it would violate professional ethics for a prosecutor to publicly state at the time of an arrest all of the incriminating evidence against a defendant beyond what is contained in the four corners of the criminal charge itself, it appears to violate professional ethics for a prosecutor to sneak through the back door to do the same thing: that is, to smear a defendant by disclosing secret grand jury evidence through a one-sided grand jury report which the prosecution alone creates and controls.


I of course have often railed against the sleazy tactics often used by the agents of the state in our "justice" system.
Fri 25 Nov, 2011 03:37 am
DAVID wrote:
The allegations, ALLEGATIONS, of the indictment r very alarming
hawkeye10 wrote:
I have not been paying close attention, but I have heard no allegations of sexual abuse yet,
only claims from officials that there are such claims...
Check the indictment. Its allegations r horrifying, some worse than others.
I feel sorry for those boys. I don 't think its likely that a bunch of fellows
decided to conspire to rip him off, but we 'll see what the trial reveals.

I wonder what his adopted sons think about all that.

0 Replies
Fri 25 Nov, 2011 03:45 am

Many times in the past, I have asserted that if the victims had been well armed,
the predator might well have been defeated.

Its not so in THIS case, according to the allegations of the indictment.

If defendant had his victims running around in athletic activities
and then he had them naked in showers: thay had no opportunity to employ defensive armament.

The 2nd Amendment woud not avail them in the alleged circumstances.

Fri 25 Nov, 2011 03:47 am
Many times in the past, I have asserted that if the victims had been well armed,
the predator might well have been defeated.
In the case of the 98 "victim" that would not have helped, because it appears that he did not feel that Sandusky had done anything wrong, it was the mother who had the complaint

Victim 6 felt awkward and tried to go to a shower some distance away from Sandusky but Sandusky called him over, saying he had already warmed up a shower for the boy,” the report said. “While in the shower, Sandusky approached the boy, grabbed him around the waist and said, ‘I’m going to squeeze your guts out.’ Sandusky lathered up the boy, soaping his back because, he said, the boy would not be able to reach it. Sandusky bear-hugged the boy from behind, holding the boy’s back against his chest.”

When the boy returned home, his mother noticed his wet hair and “was upset to learn the boy had showered with Sandusky,” according to the grand-jury-report. She reported the incident to university police, the report said.

Lauro said he interviewed both the boy and Sandusky in 1998 and both told the same story: they had showered together. The boy did not accuse Sandusky of assaulting him, so without any other evidence, Lauro determined it didn’t meet the state’s criteria for abuse, he said.

‘Red Flag’

“It raised a red flag, but not to the level of child abuse -- perhaps a boundary issue,” Lauro said. “I knew it was inappropriate, but I didn’t think it was child abuse.”

The grand-jury report describes how Ronald Schreffler, a university police detective, and Ralph Ralston, a State College police detective, eavesdropped on two conversations the mother had with Sandusky in May 1998. She asked Sandusky whether his “private parts” touched her son during the bear hug and Sandusky replied, “I don’t think so … maybe,” according to the report.

“I was wrong,” Sandusky told the mother, according to the grand-jury report. “I wish I could get forgiveness. I know I won’t get it from you. I wish I were dead.”

Lauro said he wasn’t told about the eavesdropping until after the case was closed. When Costas asked him about the comments, Sandusky replied, “I didn’t say, to my recollection, that I wish I were dead. I was hopeful that we could reconcile things.”

Fri 25 Nov, 2011 03:56 am
DAVID wrote:
Many times in the past, I have asserted that if the victims had been well armed,
the predator might well have been defeated.
hawkeye10 wrote:
In the case of the 98 "victim" that would not have helped,
because it appears that he did not feel that Sandusky had done
anything wrong, it was the mother who had the complaint
If he was not threatened, then it was not a predatory event,
and it did not occasion self defense.

Fri 25 Nov, 2011 04:02 am
If he was not threatened, then it was not a predatory event,
and it did not occasion self defense.
Given your views on childhood I assume that your position is that if the kid did not think that a crime was committed then the parents did not have the right to make the event into a crime by alleging trespass in his stead ......
Fri 25 Nov, 2011 04:09 am
DAVID wrote:
If he was not threatened, then it was not a predatory event,
and it did not occasion self defense.
hawkeye10 wrote:
Given your views on childhood I assume that your position is that if the kid did not think that a crime was committed
then the parents did not have the right to make the event into a crime by alleging trespass in his stead ......
Whether a crime was committed is a conclusion of law (regardless of the complainant's age).
The applicable criteria qua whether a crime is committed are statutory.
Anyone can complain to the police about anything, with or without legal merit.
That 's free speech.

Fri 25 Nov, 2011 04:13 am
Interesting....I never would have figured you to be a guy who approves of a definition of crime that does not require a victim. I can't go with you there,,,if the state can not show harm then it has no jurisdiction with criminal law, imho.
Fri 25 Nov, 2011 04:25 am
hawkeye10 wrote:
Interesting....I never would have figured you to be a guy who approves
of a definition of crime that does not require a victim.
I have no jurisdiction to re-define crime.
The definition is statutory, whether I approve or not.

hawkeye10 wrote:
I can't go with you there,,,if the state can not show harm then it has no jurisdiction with criminal law, imho.
Maybe, but even without jurisdiction the usurpation remains in effect
until the statute is over-turned, one way or another.

Tho a crime be unConstitutionally void, committing that crime may well
result in a citizen ending up incarcerated anyway. With luck,
the judiciary of the future might rule it unenforcible.

0 Replies
Sat 3 Dec, 2011 09:41 pm
Mr. Sandusky, in a nearly four-hour interview over two days this week, insisted he had never sexually abused any child, but he confirmed details of some of the events that prosecutors have cited in charging him with 40 counts of molesting young boys, all of whom came to know Mr. Sandusky through the charity he founded, known as the Second Mile.

Mr. Sandusky said he regularly gave money to the disadvantaged boys at his charity, opened bank accounts for them, and gave them gifts that had been donated to the charity.

Prosecutors have said Mr. Sandusky used such gifts as a way to build a sense of trust and loyalty among boys he then repeatedly abused.

Mr. Sandusky, after repeated requests, agreed to the interview because he said his decades of work with children had been misunderstood and distorted by prosecutors


Like clockwork we can expect in the morning statements from the lawyers of the accusers alleging that sandusky proclaiming his innocents is an " outrageous and offensive re-victimization of the victims"....these boys and girls dont have much use for the Constitutional proclamation of presumed innocents, nor for free speech.
Sat 3 Dec, 2011 10:43 pm
The word you are thinking of is "innocence."
0 Replies
Sat 3 Dec, 2011 11:04 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:
Interesting....I never would have figured you to be a guy who approves of a definition of crime that does not require a victim. I can't go with you there,,,if the state can not show harm then it has no jurisdiction with criminal law, imho.

So, in your mind, if an adult male convinces a 4 year old boy to leave a store with him, without his mother's knowledge or consent, he just walks out with the boy, is that a crime if the little boy did not mind or didn't complain, or didn't think it was a crime? What about if he rubbed the little boy's pee pee during their excursion?
Sat 3 Dec, 2011 11:20 pm
So, in your mind, if an adult male convinces a 4 year old boy to leave a store with him, without his mother's knowledge or consent, he just walks out with the boy, is that a crime if the little boy did not mind or didn't complain, or didn't think it was a crime? What about if he rubbed the little boy's pee pee during their excursion?

The idea that children are miniature adults is Davids not mine. According to Davids thinking best as I understood it before I asked if the child does not feel that he is a victim then there is no victim.
Sat 3 Dec, 2011 11:36 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:
The idea that children are miniature adults is Davids not mine. According to Davids thinking best as I understood it before I asked if the child does not feel that he is a victim then there is no victim.

You said you could not "go with" David in approving the definition of a crime that does not "require a victim." Can you answer my questions?
0 Replies
Sun 4 Dec, 2011 06:09 am
hawkeye10 wrote:
The idea that children are miniature adults is Davids not mine.
Candor moves me to admit a weakness in my reasoning.
Altho, both as an adult and during my childhood,
I found it offensive when adults spoke with disdain of the minds
of children, and I have made it a point to address children
with the same courtesy as anyone (supporting their natural right to vote),
still an anti-freedom person can easily point out that at sufficiently
young ages, the minds of children cannot and do not function.
(Accordingly, Tico's example is one of obvious kidnapping.
I can see that a statute authorizing the death penalty for that is OK.)

Most conspicuously, even if there were no age limits on voting,
if a citizen were born on Election Day, it woud be IMPOSSIBLE
for him to go from the hospital to the voting booth and actually vote.

However that may be:
I remain loath to look down upon the minds of children, with contempt.

I prefer to think of their minds with respect
and I prefer to oppose discrimination based upon age
(or, at least, to curtail any such discrimination, as severely as possible).

0 Replies
Sun 4 Dec, 2011 11:57 am
So I see this morning that the lawyers for the defendant have slightly changed their tone, the contempt for his exercising is right to defend himself it still there, but they have moved off of the line that he does not have the right to defend himself against the state. The state of course is very busy trying to manipulate the jury pool, and I am sure that they would love it if only they had the ability to do so...IE if the defendant was left defenseless.

(CNN) -- Attorneys for alleged victims of Jerry Sandusky lashed out Saturday at a new interview with the former Penn State football coach, with one calling it "another failed attempt to manipulate the public."
Howard Janet, who represents the person identified as Victim 6 in the grand jury report that led to Sandusky's indictment, said Sandusky also attempted -- unsuccessfully -- to "manipulate the future jury pool."
"He's not accomplishing ... his desired goal," Janet said. He called much of Sandusky's interview with The New York Times, which published on Saturday, "uncomfortable to watch" and "disingenuous."
"Every time he opens his mouth, virtually, he puts his foot in it," Janet said.
Among other statements, Sandusky attempted to clarify his relationships with young people in the extensive interview with the newspaper.


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