HA (that made me chuckle!)
Yes...I speak "college football". Mostly anyway.
Bammer - (that would be my derogatory slang for Alabama Fans)

Though - yes - I am pulling for Alabama tonight. I am nothing if not a SEC fan. (that stands for the South Eastern Conference, Beth

There are 11 conferences I think. All have however many colleges that are part of that conferences. You win your conference and then if you win the most you become the conference champion. We have gone and boogered it all up by introducing the BCS (that is a whole other story - I am not willing to get into right now) But the top two in the BCS poll get to play at the National Championship. So - Notre Dame (the are in the Big East Conference) is playing Alabama.
And that is my simplified Missy version of tonight's activity for myself and myt family.