How deep did coverup go in Penn State child sex abuse case?

Fri 20 Jan, 2012 01:48 pm
farmerman wrote:

one of my associates is running for one of the three Trustee positions on the PEnn STate Board. He feels that everybody should be fired

Sure, let the blood flow in the name of the alleged victims regardless the degree of culpability shown by those who are chopped off at the knees. Many a king acted just like that in the bad old days, only the righteous cause has changed.
Sun 22 Jan, 2012 02:45 am
farmerman wrote:
one of my associates is running for one of the three Trustee positions on the PEnn STate Board.
He feels that everybody should be fired
hawkeye10 wrote:
. . . Many a king acted just like that in the bad old days, only the righteous cause has changed.
Y do u use so MANY run-on sentences ???????????????????
What is the problem with punctuating them correctly???? Its not hard.

R u trying to effect a paradime shift, like I am ??
I don 't think u r.

To get it right, the differences r very slite, as follows:
hawkeye10 wrote:
. . . Many a king acted just like that in the bad old days. Only the righteous cause has changed.

Those r 2 complete sentences.
Metaforically speaking, its like u r forcing 2 BIG, adult guys to sleep in the same bed.
It looks BAD when u do that.
I say give @ guy his own individual bed, if u don't mind.

Sun 22 Jan, 2012 02:50 am
Y do u use so MANY run-on sentences ???????????????????
What is the problem with punctuating them correctly???? Its not hard.

omsigdavid giving lectures on the proper use of language is funny.
Sun 22 Jan, 2012 03:25 am

Something about this case, just does not sound plausible to me.
Its just that the way that the story hits me, it does not sound exactly right;
somehow a little strange, implausible, to wit:
if the alleged witness saw Sandusky in a shower anally sodomizing a young boy
(presumably with the victim screaming hysterically from the horrible pain and with a lot of blood on the floor).

It occurs to me that it woud have been very ez to end
the perpetration of the crime ASAP, which is IMPORTANT,
with all of its pain and presumed rectal injury.
(It woud not be at all necessary to shoot him.)

This coud have been done quickly and and with no violence.
If I had been in the witness' position, I 'd have approached
the crime scene and merely opened up a non-violent conversation.
Simply distract him with a question like how he sees the chances
of winning a specific ballgame on the school's schedule, or
inquire into his professional reasoning in regard to one of his
earlier athletic choices,
or maybe as to his political preferences,
or perhaps (more to the point):
"Gee, u seem to be getting a lot of blood on the floor there, Coach!
How is everything this evening?"
Maybe he 'd introduce himself to the victim and open a conversation
with him.

To MY mind (tho I don't pretend to be an expert), it seems impossible
for Sandusky to have persisted beyond that point.

I find it very difficult to grasp the reason that the witness
simply left the area and reported the event the next day.

It almost (not quite) resembles Kennedy leaving his girl gasping
in her air pocket until her oxygen ran out.

Indeed, if he saw an unfortunate victim of anal sodomy
being subjected to such ineffably horrible, bloody abuse,
I can't help but wonder Y he did not drop a dime
and call the police to report the violent felony actively in progress, the same as seeing a murder??????

0 Replies
Sun 22 Jan, 2012 03:28 am
DAVID wrote:
Y do u use so MANY run-on sentences ???????????????????
What is the problem with punctuating them correctly???? Its not hard.
hawkeye10 wrote:
omsigdavid giving lectures on the proper use of language is funny.
I want EVERYONE to follow me into fonetic spelling. I 'm trying to lead by example.

Is that what u r doing, Hawkeye ???????

0 Replies
Sun 22 Jan, 2012 03:29 pm
Joe Paterno has died at the age of 85 from complications of lung cancer. I don't condone, in any way, his passivity in the Sandusky case but, may he rest in peace.
Sun 22 Jan, 2012 05:15 pm
JPB wrote:

Joe Paterno has died at the age of 85 from complications of lung cancer. I don't condone, in any way, his passivity in the Sandusky case but, may he rest in peace.

Passivity?? He did everything that we the collective told him through our laws to do. Also remember that the first clue Paterno had came only after Sundusky no longer worked for the university...he no longer worked for Paterno.
0 Replies
Sun 22 Jan, 2012 05:22 pm
JoPa dead?

i guess god needed a much loved figure who was capable of turning a blind eye to kid touching

of course you'd think he'd have enough of those with all the deceased catholic bishops
0 Replies
Mon 23 Jan, 2012 12:42 am

I wonder if his death was from suicide; that cancer is suicide,
occurring after stressful circumstances.
Sun 25 Mar, 2012 12:10 pm
Mar. 25, 2012
Psychologist sounded alarm on Sandusky in 1998
Matt Carroll | Centre (Pa.) Daily Times

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. -- A State College psychologist warned police in 1998 that Jerry Sandusky’s behavior fit the profile of a likely pedophile.

Alycia Chambers, who treated one of Sandusky’s alleged victims, told Penn State police at the time that Sandusky showered with a then-11-year-old boy and grabbed and bear-hugged him.

In light of her findings, Chambers said Saturday she was surprised more wasn’t done by authorities at the time.

This despite an evaluation of the alleged victim by a second psychologist, who concluded Sandusky did not fit the profile of a pedophile.

Chambers said her initial concerns turned to horror in November when Sandusky was charged with 50 counts of child sex abuse involving 10 alleged victims and dating back more than a decade.

“Who could be anything but horrified in knowing this went unchecked for 14 years,” Chambers told the Centre Daily Times on Saturday.

The psychological evaluations, released along with internal police documents Saturday morning by NBC, raise new questions about the 1998 police investigation into Sandusky.

Penn State spokeswoman Lisa Powers, said Saturday that the university would have no comment due to ongoing investigations.

The former Penn State defensive coordinator maintains his innocence and is awaiting trial in the case. His attorney, Joe Amendola, on Saturday questioned Chambers’ interview of the boy.

Amendola pointed to the second evaluation, performed by psychologist John Seasock, who concluded Sandusky’s behavior did not match that of a pedophile’s. Amendola said the conflicting conclusions from the two psychological reports could raise reasonable doubt for a jury.

Howard Janet, the attorney for the alleged victim, identified in court papers as Victim 6, asked why police sought a second evaluation.

In a statement released Saturday evening, Janet asked why reports, such as the one by Chambers, of inappropriate contact between Sandusky and young boys on the Penn State campus were ignored.

“Much of the evidence coming to light points to a conspiracy of silence surrounding Sandusky’s behavior at the expense of children,” he said in the statement.

In her report, Chambers said she was first contacted by the boy’s mother at 7:43 a.m. Monday, May 4.

The night before, her son returned home from spending time with Sandusky and explained that his hair was wet because the pair had showered together. “(His mother) said, ‘I need you to tell me I’m crazy,’ because she did not want to believe her suspicions were true,” Chambers said in her report.

Chambers saw the boy that day, and reported he seemed visibly anxious and kept repeating, ‘I don’t think he (Sandusky) meant anything by it,’ ” she said in the papers.

The boy admitted he was uncomfortable, but was also worried about jeopardizing his relationship with Sandusky, who had promised him he could sit on the bench at football games, Chambers wrote.

She consulted with colleagues without sharing specific names, released information to the state child abuse line and released a report to Ronald Schreffler, an investigator with Penn State police.

“My consultants agree that the incidents meet all of our definitions, based on experience and education, of a likely pedophile’s pattern of building trust and gradual introduction of physical touch, within a context of a ‘loving, special’ relationship,” Chambers said in her report.

She said Sandusky might have even recognized his behavior as a typical pedophile “overture” because of his position at The Second Mile.

Based on his interview of the boy, Seasock found in his report that no sexual contact took place, and that there was no grooming, a behavior associated with pedophiles.

“(The alleged victim) had not been groomed for future sexual behavior, nor did a situation of inappropriate sexual behavior occur,” Seasock wrote in his report. Seasock said the boy’s description of wrestling “appeared to be more along the lines of horseplay,” behavior indicative of a “male coach.”

Chambers said Saturday it would be surprising if the boy had divulged what allegedly occurred to a male psychologist he just met.

“I don’t know why anyone, much less someone with experience with child abuse, would expect a child of this age to be brought in with a male stranger ... and in an hour interview speak the truth,” she said. “Especially when a man he knew much better (allegedly) did these things in the shower just a couple of days before.”

Amendola, however, questioned Chambers’ report. He asked if there was any testing done or scientific data taken.

“My people are telling me that those characteristics the doctor said (Sandusky) exhibited ... you’re going to find in people who are perfectly healthy and don’t have any pedophiliac inclinations or tendencies,” Amendola said.

He said Sandusky had been dealing for years with children from broken homes and felt that showing them love was important.

Sandusky said the boy kept in touch with him after the shower incident, according to Amendola. Sandusky and his wife, Dottie, sponsored the boy on a mission trip, let him borrow their car, and even had lunch with him last year.

Amendola also questioned the timing of the release of the report, which came two days after he filed pretrial motions that included a request to dismiss the case, and days after a judge ordered prosecutors to release psychological profiles of the alleged victims.

When asked if the university would investigate who leaked the report, Powers said Penn State would not comment.

In an email, she said: “The university can have no comment on issues related to the Sandusky investigations in the past or present, except that we are fully cooperating with the attorney general and the independent investigation conducted by Judge Louis Freeh on behalf of the Penn State Independent Board of Trustees Task Force.”

Staff writer Mike Dawson contributed to this report.
Sun 25 Mar, 2012 12:35 pm
We are not in favor of profiling to catch criminals, as we make clear when ever anyone wants to do it to catch terrorists or illegal aliens, so why would we do it here? Is this yet another place where America's sex law does not conform to the standards of the rest of law?
Sun 25 Mar, 2012 12:47 pm
It sad that especailly in the case of males that we will need more and more to monitor and limit our showings of any emotionals caring toward children so some fools will not label us as would be pedophiles.

So far it seems ok to show caring to your our family children but I am sure that will change also over time.

In any case any man need to be very brave to volunteer to be a big brother or a boy scouts leader and so on.

Sun 25 Mar, 2012 12:57 pm
There are a lot of people who want to give the state the legal ability to rip your life apart looking for sin when they find you at the park talking to kids with no woman minder with you. As you know I am always looking at the boundary between the collective and the individual, and we see in BBB piece a call to rub out individual rights even more than we already have.
Sun 25 Mar, 2012 01:44 pm
sin when they find you at the park talking to kids with no woman minder with you

After Firefly claim that a common way that pedophiles lure children in public parks is to use kittens or puppies I spend hours googling for one news story of someone in real life doing so in a park.

Seems to be a myth of the first order at least as far as the public records show but then all we need is myths to take actions.

There is no indication that I can find that public parks are overrun by pedophiles however that is not slowing down the drive to keep adults out of children play areas unless they had at least one child along for example.

Oh for the past when an old man sitting on a park bench feeding the pigeons or squirrels and talking to children did not demand a call to 911.
Sun 25 Mar, 2012 01:56 pm
BillRM wrote:

Oh for the past when an old man sitting on a park bench feeding the pigeons or squirrels and talking to children did not demand a call to 911.

" We have been informed that you sir were seen talking to kids at the park with no woman watching you. Kindly hand over your computer and let us search your home."
0 Replies
Fri 30 Mar, 2012 07:31 am
Oh for the past when an old man sitting on a park bench feeding the pigeons or squirrels and talking to children did not demand a call to 911.

Oh for the past when sexual deviante behavior was quietly swept under the rug. Sitting on the park bench feeding pigeons is fine, talking to children is fine, taking showers with 11 year old boys and having naked 'horseplay' is not.

The children are the victims here. Not old men on park benchs.

I fear my previous predictions may be true. This bastard will not go to jail. The evidence is overwhelming, the job to sweep it aside is a big one and will take time. Time for most of us to forget also.

Fri 30 Mar, 2012 07:45 am
The children are the victims here. Not old men on park benchs.

Everyone in society is a victim where rare and abnormal crimes are allow to destroy the trust between generations to the point that old men are no longer even allow to be in a park near playing children on the assumption that they are likely to be pedophiles.

A woman in New York sat on a park bench and got fine for doing so as she did not had a child along with her to be allow in that area of the park.

An old couple wish to do a tour of a child science museum in Florida and was turn away because they did not have a child along with them and so on we go.

Tue 3 Apr, 2012 10:56 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:
@wmwcjr, The football program is a cash cow for almost every University, and having the best players is hugely important to earning the cash....it is unreasonable to expect a football player to be treated like a regular student under these condition's.....they get treated special because they ARE special.

Think what you like, but I (as a powerless person) cannot and will never accept the "money talks, justice be damned" philosophy, which you defend. The moral rightness or wrongness of an action, practice, or custom is never determined by mere convenience or popularity. Jim Crow, for example, was just as evil during its height as it was on the threshold of the civil rights movement. There's really nothing else to be said, except to say that an eyewitness account of a particular event in a school gym's showers (not Penn State this time, but an unnamed high school) was described in another website's forum, a portion of which I have copied and pasted below. I should point out that this particular heinous event, were it not for the online forums provided by the Internet, otherwise would have remained unknown to everyone else; and that is because no one (besides the eyewitness) cared.

Lerkfish wrote:
... crimes committed by sports players are more likely to be covered up by administrators than crimes by other students.

Witnessed it myself many times. The old "boys will be boys" defense for cover ups. I saw a lot of behavior from sports players that were not only bypassed by normal discipline procedures, but in some cases, encouraged by faculty as they occurred. I personally witnessed the football team grab a "geek" in the shower after gym, do a "dogpile" on him and force him to the team's jocks over his mouth and face while being taunted with various homophobic slurs. The coach was not only a witness, he was orchestrating it. The only reason he finally stopped it was because he realized having 8 heavy guys on your chest and jocks stuffed in your face was probably preventing the kid from breathing.
Unless some discipline happened behind the scenes, I never saw any punishment against the students involved.

Of course, I'm 46, so I would have hoped that situation no longer happens, but I would not be surprised if it continues.

... point is that sports players are wrongly accorded a select set of looser behaviour rules compared to regular students.
Wed 4 Apr, 2012 01:04 am
See the so call rape case of the Duke Players where the players was gone after wrongly because of their positions in society and people like your wmwcjr wishing to see the very worst in such people,

Wed 4 Apr, 2012 02:03 am
Huh? I did not mention the Duke case. I wasn't even thinking about it. From what little I've read, that situation was driven by racial politics. The District Attorney was courting black voters. The accuser was black; so, he brought about an injustice. I waited for the facts.

Incidentally, to use a hypothetical, what do you think would have happened if a white coed had been raped by several black college football players? Perhaps the DA and the local community would have reacted differently?

Please don't attempt to smear me by accusing me of wishing to see the very worst in people. You know nothing about me. Absolutely nothing.

By the way, you don't come off looking very good yourself. What I quoted above was an eyewitness account of a crime committed against a boy who was marginalized at his school. He had the experience of being accosted in a gym shower while he was naked and was dogpiled by eight other naked boys who sat upon him and stuffed jock straps in his face. Yet you're not outraged by this at all. Anyone who wouldn't be moved by the victimization of this boy has a heart of stone.

This was a crime that should have been prosecuted. The coach should have been publicly exposed and convicted. He should have been fired immediately and not be allowed to coach at any other school again. The eight young thugs should have been tried and sent to juvenile detention. But because the victim was only a "geek," no one cared. This crime was extremely demeaning and was akin to rape. (Oops! I think I now understand why you've gotten on my case. Twisted Evil )

I've wondered if the victim told his parents or if he was too ashamed. If he's still alive today, I wonder if he's spent years reliving the shame of what happened to him. He was betrayed by an authority figure. The message that boy received was that he was not worth [expletive deleted].

Tell you what: I'll give you a homework assignment. To further your education, please read Our Guys (which is about the pathetic Glenn Ridge scandal) by Bernard Lefkowitz and Pros and Cons: The Criminals Who Play in the NFL by Jeff Benedict. You might actually learn something.

Unlike firefly (bless her soul), I have no desire to engage in a pointless, never ending exchange with you (or anyone else) that goes on and on and on and on, page after page after page, month after month after month, year after year. Laughing I'm not a debater. I'm content to simply state my peace and go on and do something else, especially when I know I'm right.

Besides (and most importantly), my life doesn't revolve around my wife's old computer, which she was so kind to give me. (Well, she's legally blind; and her eyesight got even worse. So, she can't use it, anyway.)

I'm not interested in anything you have to say. You're fairly predictable, anyway. I'll let izzythepush and others speak for me. I don't care. Besides, I have immediate concerns in my life that call me away from the computer.

So, I shall end this exchange right now and wish you the very best. At the risk of giving the reader a false impression: Kissy-kissy.! XXX Smile Have a good life. Good-bye now. Go peddle your papers or whatever it is that you do. May you enjoy life's greatest fulfillments and all that jazz. "May the bird of paradise fly up your" -- uh, never mind.

(Man, writing that post sure was fun! Mr. Green )

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